Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The new functionality may be fully reverted by adding to or creating estar/tpe/dynamic/mc2/cfg/extractservice.yml with the below and restarting extractservicelb:








Details on configuring logging level of the new functionality:

EQL Rest Requests Configuration


SDP-44624 Asynchronous Task update does not remove the task information from REDIS, leading to a memory leak


We added extended fields to generic entity and smf extract mashups.
The extended fields can be extracted by applying a flag IncludeExtendedDetails = ALL in rtr:
Files added:

  1. estar\\tpe\\dynamic\\metadata\\core
    ontology eagle-report-extended-models


SDP-44340 GraphQL endpoint is not working when used through IIS


Match class was created to compare string with patterns and file masks.
Here is a Match t-item: ["match", "filename_match",
{"result_is_boolean": false,"dynamic_pattern": false,"pattern_sep": "," ,"pattern_is_file_mask": true}
, ["|filename|"], [":patterns:"], ["stringlength(:patterns:)!=0"]]

  1. result_is_boolean can be set as true or false (true is default value). Allows to setup return value. When parameter is true then returns value can be Y or N value, if it false then match returns the 1st pattern value that was defined in Item 4.

  2. dynamic_pattern can be set as true or false (false is default value). Allows to use calculated pattern in eds interface when it is defined as true. When it is false then as pattern will be use the 1st pattern value.

  3. pattern_sep can be define as char or several chars. Allows to use string as list patterns that is divided by character separator.

  4. pattern_is_file_mask can be set as true or false (false is default value). Allows using file mask special characters in patterns when it is true. If it is false then pattern should be used with regular expression special characters.

  5. Item 3 is a string that has to be compared with pattern.

  6. Item 4 is a string pattern value.

  7. Item 5 is condition for execution.


SDP-43884 Need to add ADDITIONAL_DATA parameter in executeeds


Output expression field was added in MsgExchange class and reading file logic was added in _file_oper method of MsgExchange class.
Here is an example how to read data from file in variable:["msgexchange", "read_data",
{"delivery_method": "file", "target": "expression", "operation": "copy", "source": "file"}
, ["get_temp_file_location()+|file_name|"], [":data:"], ["''"], ["True"]]

  1. Operation can be set as copy only

  2. Source can be set as file only

  3. Delivery method can be set as file only

  4. Target can be set as expression only

  5. Item 3 is a path to existed file

  6. Item 4 is a name of variable that will store data from file

  7. Item 5 is a credentials that can be empty

  8. Item 6 is condition to execute


SDP-43144 POST Body Not Passing OutputFormat Correctly to EagleML extracts


The Ontology for warehouseopenlot interface was created.
Files added:

  1. estar\\tpe\\dynamic\\metadata\\core
    ontologywarehouse warehouseopenlot.json

  2. estar\\tpe\\dynamic\\metadata\\core
    ontology warehouse warehouseopenlot-models.json


SDP-42781 Need ability to archive in t items

Archive component was developed to be able to create tar (or tar.gz) and zip file based on file list and/or file masks with ability to remove source files and base64 encoding of result file. It also allows to generate file without actual compressing. Samples of usage:
["archive", "save_to_zip_mask",
{"method": "zip", "operation": "pack", "source": "file", "compression_codec": "zlib",
"remove_source_files": true, "base64_encode": false, "use_mask": true}, ["get_temp_file_location() + 'archive_1.txt'", "get_temp_file_location() + 'archive_2.doc?'"],
["''"], ["True"]
["archive", "save_to_gz_b64",
{"method": "tar", "operation": "pack", "source": "file", "compression_codec": "gzip",
"remove_source_files": false, "base64_encode": true, "use_mask": false},
["GetDirRoot() + 'data/msgcenter/cmw/in/' + 'archive_gzip_1.txt'", "GetDirRoot() + 'data/msgcenter/cmw/in/' + 'archive_gzip_2.txt'"],


To msg exchange component was added feature to read file from (s)ftp with ability to move file to another (s)ftp folder before download. Samples of usage:
["msgexchange", "save_message_from_ftp",
{"delivery_method": "ftp", "target": "file", "operation": "copy", "source": "file"},
["|FTP_FOLDER| + '/' + |FTP_FILENAME|"],
["|FTP_USER| + ':' + |FTP_PASSWORD| + '@' + |FTP_URL| + ':21'"],
["msgexchange", "save_message_from_sftp",
{"delivery_method": "sftp", "target": "file", "operation": "move", "source": "file"},
["|SFTP_USER| + ':' + |SFTP_PASSWORD| + '@' + |SFTP_URL| + ':22'"],


Added ability to copy file by msgexchange t-item in data/mc2/temp/ folder.
Copy file logic was added in _file_oper method of MsgExchange class.
Here is an example how to copy files by msgexchange.
["msgexchange", "copy_file",
{"delivery_method": "file", "target": "file", "operation": "copy", "source": "file"}
, ["get_temp_file_location()+|file_name|"], ["'copied_file.txt'"], ["''"], ["True"]]

  1. Operation can be set as copy only

  2. Source can be set as file only

  3. Delivery method can be set as file only

  4. Target can be set as file only

  5. Item 3 is a path to existed file

  6. Item 4 is a file name that will be saved in estar/tpe/data/mc2/temp/ folder

  7. Item 5 is a credentials that can be empty

  8. Item 6 is condition to execute


SDP-41714 EDS Interfaces - New Metadata - warehousecashactivity


The Ontology for entityshareclass interface and entityshareclass in the history mode was created.
Files added:

  1. estar/tpe/dynamic/metadata/core/ontology/entity/entityshareclass.json

  2. estar/tpe/dynamic/metadata/core/ontology/warehouse/entityshareclass-models.json

  3. estar/tpe/dynamic/metadata/core/ontology/warehouse/entityshareclass_in.json


SDP-37394 Python XML2XML: Add possibility to use incoming value from parameter outfilepattern in settings of the additional destination


Added the ability to reference EDS translators in a Generic Load Profile.


given an EDS transform tpe/dynamic/metadata/custom/ebs/sdp43693_smf.json,

that transform can be referenced within the Translator attribute of the Generic Load Profile:

