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2 Rest Endpoints

MC2 provides various multi-tiers Rest endpoints for various interfaces such as

MC2 REST Services

MC2 provides various REST interfaces to support available features including the generic load, extract, health check, etc. That means, per rest request from IIS frontend, it will route through multiple endpoints to complete a rest request.

Endpoints can be accessed from the following interfaces:

  • IIS Frontend (for Eagle V17+ only) 
  • MC2 backend

// pic of multi-tiers endponts

MC2 Rest API quick access guide

Starting from Eagle V17, MC2 provides varsome quick ways to diagnose and validate if all configuration is accurate and rest services are up and running.

  • Validate by access provided URLs from browsers or tools such as browser, curl command line, etc.
  • Check the health check responding Rest status 

Web Server Frontend URLs (for Eagle V17+ only)

URLs provides from webserver frontend are:


https://{webserver}/mc2/swagger-ui.html or http://{webserver}/mc2/swagger-ui.html

or more extract specific URLs such as:


for OLAP

App Server Backend URLs

Following URLs also available from backend directly:


Troubleshooting guide

Due to the multi-tiers nature, when encounter any failure when access MC2 Rest API, it needs to diagnose endpoint by endpoint of each API route.

URL's below can be one of the quick way to validate if the rest endpoints is actively listening to request:

Configuration and Setup

IIS Frontend (... list the url ...)

Reference ... for the configuration guide

MC2 backend (....)

Reference ... for the configuration guide


IIS Frontend (... list the url ...)

Reference ... for the configuration guide

MC2 backend (....)

Reference ... for the configuration guide

Direct backend access

API Setup and Access

  • Is the URL correct?

    Make sure you're using the correct URL with the HTTPS protocol and the correct POD number:


    Check with your operator if you're unsure about the POD number.

  • Is the API license key valid?

    Each user has a unique license key that you can find in the user profile (click the Show REST API key button to see it) or at the top of each REST API function page in the Knowledge Base. Users in the same account cannot share API keys.

  • Is the authorization header valid?

    Ensure that you followed the 3-step process for creating a valid authorization header: (1) concatenate the user name and API key (separated by a colon) (2) encrypt the resulting string using Base64 (3) set the authorization header value to "Basic" followed by the encoded string.

  • Does the API user have feature access?

    To validate feature access, log into CC/SM using the API user and try to access the same feature in the web interface. (Remember the CC/SM password is different from the API key.) If you can make the feature work in the web interface, you can make it work via API.

    You may need to use multiple user roles as there is no single role that will guarantee access for all API function calls. Cisco Jasper recommends creating a dedicated user or group of users whose sole purpose is to execute API functions. For more information about user roles and access, see REST API/Role Matrix .

  • Is the SSL certificate valid and included in your trusted store?

    The REST APIs support the HTTPS protocol (not HTTP). The Cisco Jasper API server uses an SSL certificate signed by Symantec, a well-known Certificate Authority (CA), to handle HTTPS access. We recommend that you include the Symantec Root Certificate in your trust store (this is included by default on many platforms) and use a CA-based chain of trust, rather than hard coding the Cisco Jasper certificate in your API code.

    and pace report services. It is a multi-tier architecture for security, scalability, and fault tolerances. Before understanding how to troubleshoot MC2's REST services, it is essential to review all the components involved from the configuration to run time. 

    The MC2 REST services includes the following components: 

    • Eagle Web Server

    • MC2 extractservice lb

    • MC2 extractservice worker

    • MC2 pyruleservice

    • Pace-reportservice

    On this page

    Table of Contents

    High Level Diagram

    The diagram below depicts the high-level flows of current MC2 REST Services. 

    Image Added

    MC2 REST Services Deployment and Enablement

    MC2 is enabled by the following steps:

    1. Install the Eagle/MC2 "all-services" packages from the EagleML Installer. Reference EagleML / MC2 Release Deployment for detailed steps of the deployment.

    2. After deploying, configure the Eagle Web Services front-end to enable REST and SOAP services. Reference the Installation additional configurations for MC2 for configuration details.

    3. After front-end configuration, restart the Eagle WebServer and/or IIS to ensure the configuration changes take effect.

    MC2 REST Endpoints Routing

    MC2 currently supports the following REST Services:

    • MC2 REST Endpoints for Simple Extracts

    • MC2 REST Endpoints for the Generic Extractor (POST only)

    • EDS/EQL Endpoints (POST only)

    • Health Check Endpoints (backend access only)

    • PACE report service (additional services outside MC2) to run OLAP reports (both POST and GET requests).

    MC2 Rest Service Routes

    For the MC2 Generic Load/Extract, it travels through the following route:

    REST Client → Web Server (Security Validation) → MC2 Load Balancer → MC2 Worker.

    For an MC2 EDS Request, it travels through the following route:

    REST Client → Web Server (Security Validation) → MC2 Load Balancer → Pyruleservice.

    For PACE Report Service REST Request, it takes the route below:

    REST Client → Web Server (Security Validation) → MC2 Load Balancer → PACE Report Service.

    If an error occurs, it depends on the type of request and error code to resolve.  Review and identify the route and then check each endpoint of the route to diagnose the trouble endpoint(s).

    General Troubleshooting

    When invoking MC2 REST services, it returns a status code which follows the standard of HTTP response codes:

    • 200+   OK

    • 400+   bad client request

    • 500+   internal server error

    Possible Client-Side Requests Issues

    When REST Invocation responds with an error code int range of 400+, it usually indicates that the error is on the client end with the exception of when server endpoint is down.

    Frequently bad request error codes are:

    • 400 - Bad request

    • 401 - Unauthorized

    • 403 - Forbidden

    • 404 - Not Found

    When encountering client-side errors:

    • If the response code = 400 or 404, check if the requested URL is correct or the server URL is accessible.

    • If the response code = 401, check if the correct authentication parameters, user name or password, is specified correctly as part of request.

    • If the response code = 403, the specified URL is not allowed.

    Possible Server Endpoint Services Issues

    When the REST Invocation fails with error code >= 500, it indicates a server side error.

    Review the following items:

    • Are all corresponding backend endpoints up and running?

    • Are are all System configurations accurate?

    • Are all deployed Endpoints versions compatible?

    There are multiple ways to check if all backend services are up and running. It is easier to log in to the backend servers with backend access to perform the following checks:

    • Check MC2 health using the Healthcheck Url

    From the browser, check the health check url http://{appserver}:{healthcheckport}/health. On the returning JSON, check if all services are "UP".

    • From the backend, check if the MC2 services (extractservicelb, extractserviceworker, kafkaservice and pyruleservices) are up and running:

    Please reference the MC2 Troubleshooting to check if all the required services endpoint are up and running.

    • Check version incompatibilities

    It is strongly recommended that all MC2 components are from the same release. Please reference the Installed Version Check and verify all installed versions.

    For an issue related to the pace-reportservice endpoint, check the following:

    • Is the pace-reportservice deployed?

    "pace-reportservice" is deployed on $EAGLE_ROOT_TO_APP/estar/tpe/servers/pace-reportservice. Ensure there is a deployed version in the path.

    • Is the pace-reportservice up and running?

    Login to backend, run the command "ps -ef | grep pace-reportserivce" and review if the process is up and running.

    Frequently Encountered Issues and Troubleshooting Steps

    Receive Eagle Landing Page When Invoking REST Service

    When submitting the REST request, the request produces the landing page contents instead of the expected JSON data response.  This is usually due to a configuration issue and/or issues on the Eagle WebServer. Use the following steps to diagnose the issue:

    Check Configuration

    Check the ${EagleAppToRoot}/tpe/cfg/starsecuity.ini configurations specified in the Installation additional configurations for MC2 and validate all corresponding configuration from all WebServer nodes.

    Repeat the above actions for all the WebServer nodes and ensure the changes have been made for all WebServer nodes.

    Check the Status of WebServer(s)

    From the System Management Console (sample image below), check all of the listed services "Type" equal to  "WEBSERVER" have the "last recycle" time greater than the timestamp of the starsecurity.ini and the "Status Message" reflects the value of "UP".

    Image Added

    URLs for a Quick Check of Rest Endpoints

    The following URLs can be used for a quick diagnosis of the health of MC2 rest endpoints. Replace webserver with webserver hostname or IP address.


    https://{webserver}/mc2/swagger-ui.html or http://{webserver}/mc2/swagger-ui.html

    or more extract specific URLs such as:
