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Click the Cancel Entitlements (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.

In Eagle's Accounting solution, entitlements is a catch-all name for all non-transactions, including cash contributions, cash withdrawals, miscellaneous income and expenses. Canceling an entitlement cancels the original cash activity. If the activity was settled, the process also cancels the settlement. You can cancel a cash entitlement using the Cancel Entitlements panel. You can also use the Cancel Entitlements option to cancel previously booked spot transactions.

Cancel an Entitlement

To cancel a cash entitlement:

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  • From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  • Enter Cancel Entitlements in the Start Search text box.
    1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Entitlements Cancel Entitlements. 
      You see the Cancel Entitlements panel. 

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    1. Complete the options on the Cancel Entitlements panel.

    2. Click Submit

    .Close the Cancel Cash Entitlement bottom tab to return to the Accounting Center
    1. .

    Example - Cancel Entitlements

    The following example shows data you enter in the Cancel Entitlements panel.

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    Cancel Entitlements panel - upper areaImage Added

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    Cancel Entitlements panel - lower areaImage Added


     The Cancel Entitlements panel has the same query parameters as the Cancel Cash Settlements panel. This example continues to use the 111.00 miscellaneous income entry, which for this example has been settled.

    Select the cash entry and click




    . As the result, both the cash settlement and the original miscellaneous income activity are cancelled. See the following Cash Journal report results.

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    Cash Journal report - Cancelled cash settlement and the original miscellaneous income activityImage Added

    According to the above Cash Journal (queried for settled cash), the settlement of the miscellaneous income item has been cancelled.

    If the report is re-run for TRADED Cash, you see that the original miscellaneous income item has also been cancelled.

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    Cash Journal report rerun for traded cashImage Added

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