Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New version of Pace ReportService client

New version is available: pace pace-reportservice-1.0.7.jar
The jar must be installed separately; refer to this page for instructions to install the client jar file:
Installing Pace Report Service


SDP-42293 cache policy to reload cache for extract workflow for Cloud


Added default cache policies for the following datasets:

  • interfaces

  • genericsmf

  • genericentity

  • issuerorganization

That means that after package installation cache reload for above datasets will be performed automatically in case data was updated. If cache for these datasets does not exist, it will be fully loaded. The default interval for checking updated records is set to 5 minutes. Default cache policies can be overwritten with custom one if the specific check and update cache settings are required.


New ontology of entity detail and entity detail in the history mode was developed:
entity entitydetail.json
entity entitydetail-models.json
entitydetail.json contains sql table joins definition, filters definition, extract and load rules and etc.
entitydetail-models.json contains fields mapping definition.
New entitydetail metadata can be used to extract data.


Updated MC2 to allow grouping of results by effective date, entity Id, and extract type for the WarehousePosition and WarehouseOpenLot extracts
Enabled the below parameters:
GroupbyExtractKey: parameter in RTR for a single extract in extractservice
ALLEXTRACTS_GroupbyExtractKey: parameter in RTR for eagle_wrf_generic_extract worklfow
W_GROUPBY_EXTRACT_KEY: global parameter in for all extracts for the WarehousePosition and WarehouseOpenLot feedtypes

For full details see:


SDP-40655 Issue with TSR when running XML REST extract and getting NO_DATA

Corrected the response for an XML output ReST request in a no data scenario so that a valid TSR is returned.


SDP-40011 Caching strategy


EDS caching strategy adds a possibility to override EDS datasets cache_mode. It is defined by a JSON file in eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/metadata/custom/profiles/cache_strategy.json
There, you can specify custom cache_mode for a dataframe, group, or all interfaces with the specific cache_mode. Example of the cache_mode override for all interfaces with group = Warehouse (from any to blob):
{ "group_name": {
"Warehouse": {
"cache_mode_override": "blob"
Example of the cache_mode override to blob for all interfaces with none, for except of warehousetrade that is set to none:
"cache_mode_override": {
"none": "blob"
"dataframes": {
"warehousetrade": {
"cache_mode_override": "none"


Fixed generation of workflow with postprocessing step not being redefined in profile


SDP-42315 Implement delivery of HealthCheck alerts


via REST

Added ability for HealthCheck to send an alert to a ReST endpoint


SDP-42040 MC2 generates duplicate correlation ids for REST calls


System generated Business Task Id for REST endpoints now contains "REST#" + request details + timestamp.


Securities endpoint: REST#securities#202010061659EQL REST#securities#202010061659

EQL endpoint for warehouseposition EDS extract: REST#eql#warehouseposition#202010061655PACEREPORT REST#eql#warehouseposition#202010061655

PACEREPORT adhoc report: REST#pace#adhocReport#202010061701Generic REST#pace#adhocReport#202010061701

Generic extract requests have "REST#" + timestamp + worklflow workflow step:REST#202010061706#genericextractREST#202010061706#eagle





