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To send hashsum for archive only, just need to set archive name in WorkflowData task parameter and set filesHashSum task parameter with hashsum value of archive. Send :

Code Block

Send the RTR to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream and wait while the workflow is finished. 


To check hashsums for the archive and its files, set filesHashSum task parameter with archive and files names and its hashsum values separated by commas:

Code Block

Send the RTR to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream and wait while the workflow is finished. 


To send hashsum for files in archive only, set filesHashSum task parameter with files names and its hashsum values separated by comma:

Code Block

Send the RTR to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream and wait while the workflow is finished. 


Error occurs during files from archive hashsum calculation (custom workflow execution)

Send "cm_execute_wrf_custom_1_files_WRONG.xml" from attachments to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream.
Wait while the workflow will be finished.
Error occurred Error occurrs during the first eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_unpacker_exec stream processing in generic_load_unpacker step:

In case of custom workflow execution only unpacker step will be failed.
The error description check in Final Status tab for generic_load_unpacker step:


To view all statuses in final status set task parameter consolidatedTSR with value 1 in RTR.

Code Block

titleClick to expand the RTR example:

Code Block
<EagleML xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0"  xsi:schemaLocation=" eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest">
