Versions Compared


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Search Criteria
Entity IDSpecifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity.
Entity NameSpecifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity.
Accounting BasisSpecifies the entity accounting basis. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS.
Report TypeSpecifies the type of date for controlling your report results. Options include:
  • Accounting Date (Default)
  • Month End Date
Report PeriodSpecifies the time period, date range, or particular date for your report. The time period may be entity specific or security specific, such as fiscal year. Options include:
  • Daily Activity
  • Date Range
  • Fiscal Year to Date (Default)
  • Calendar Year to Date
  • Month to Date
Report Start DateSpecifies the start date for your report results. To use this option, you must select Date Range as your report period.
Report End DateSpecifies the ending date for your report results. The default is today's date.
Data Source

Identifies the data source for income data to use for calculating the report output. Options include: 

  • Original Calculations (Default). The report sources its income data from upstream STAR data tables, namely STAR Income, Cash tables. Additionally this data is linked to Eagle data warehouse lot tables to generate output.
  • Income Staging Table. The report uses income staged data that the income staging process populates for income amounts. The report does not use Eagle data warehouse lot tables because the income staging data is generated at the report required granularity. 
Selection Criteria
Report FiltersAllows you to show/hide additional report and security filters. The default is No.
Advanced Report OptionsAllows you to show/hide advanced report, group, sort, and format options. The default is No.
Filter Security ByAllows you to show/hide additional report filters. Options include:
  • Security Cross Reference (Default). If you select this option the panel unhides the Xref Type and Xref Security ID fields for data entry.
  • Issue Name. If you select this option, the panel unhides the Issue Name field for data entry.
  • Primary Asset ID. If you select this option, the panel unhides the Primary Asset ID field for data entry.
Other FiltersYou can filter results using other filters. Options include:
  • Asset Currency
  • Long Short
  • Investment Type
  • Security Type
  • Processing Security Type
  • Tax Country
Detail Tab Selection

Allows you to select additional views for your report results. Options include:

  • FTC Summary (Default NoYes)
  • FTC Detail (Default No)
  • FTC Failing the Holding Period (Default No)
  • FTC Exception (Default No)
