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MC2 exposes a set of REST Endpoints. The REST endpoints are exposed directly on the Application Server on baseport + 207. For more information about calculating the REST endpoint port number, see Calculate Calculating MC2 Endpoints Port Numbers

The baseport is 20000 + 220 = 20220 and the REST API port is 20427. Access You can access the page with the list of available Swagger definitions at  http://appserverhostname:20427/eagle/v2/api-doc. This link provides a JSON document with the list of all available APIs grouped by resources. Full extract SWAGGER definition A full extract SWAGGER definition  is located at http://appserverhostname:20427/eagle/v2/extract/api-doc. Access the In addition, you can access the SWAGGER for a Warehouse group that you can use at:


The Swagger UI can be used to navigate the exposed REST endpoints and execute sample requests. The Swagger UI REST Endpoint is exposed on 2017R2 and later environments at https://webserver/mc2/swagger-ui.html.


For example, to retrieve an extract with one entity in JSON you can use either a HTTP GET or POST request. In case of a GET request, you can pass filter parameters as a query parameter as shown below:


For 2017R2, this is the format: http://webserver/eagle/v2/entities?maxrows=1

To retrieve the result in EagleML, you can specify the output format as:http://appserverhostname:20427/eagle/v2/entities?maxrows=1&outputformat=eagleml

To retrieve the extract compressed, you can specify the output format by appending +gzip: http://appserverhostname:20427/eagle/v2/entities?maxrows=1&outputformat=eagleml+gzip


