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The EDS Delta Cache relies on a set of configuration files to implement the delta cache updates. These files define what resources (tables) to monitor for updates and what datasets to refresh in the cache if the resource change.
The Delta Cache process uses two methods for monitoring the changes in the tables:


The file name e.g. rating.json must match the _id field within the file e.g. "_id": "rating",

Defining a Database Poll Cache Policy


  • "checkIntervalSeconds" - specifies how often the Cache Manager will check for changes to the monitored resources
  • "noUpdateActivitySeconds" - specifies how long to wait for the resource to not change before initiating a cache update. This is important for massive updates and will prevent the cache refresh from happening in the middle of a big data load. It will also prevent the cache update to start if and RDC process is running and updating records.

Defining multiple datasets in a single cache policy

Multiple datasets driven by the same resource should be specified in a single cache policy as in the following example:

"_id": "genericsmf",
"datasets": ["genericsmf", "genericsmf_custom1", "eagle_to_matlab2_genericsmf_equitychar5", "cash_aud_dataset"],
"resources": [
"resource": "eagledb:SECURITY.SECURITY_MASTER",
"changeNotificationType": "poll",
"parameters": {
"field": "UPDATE_DATE",
"pollIntervalSeconds": 300
"cacheUpdate": {
"checkIntervalSeconds": 120,
"noUpdateActivitySeconds": 60

Defining Additional Parameters for Database Poll
