Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

SWAP and FORWARD Security Resolution

A SWAP record is an SMF record with processingSecurityType (tag3931) starting with "SW".

A FORWARD record is an SMF record with processingSecurityType (tag3931) "FWXXXX".

  • In the case where the incoming file for SWAP or FORWARD has <assetResolutionOption>element is set to MATCH_ALL or xref identifier type (CUSIP, ISIN etc.), the security will be resolved by xref identifiers instead of resolving by primary asset id/type and swap type (for swaps). The specified xref identifiers, which are configured to be used in security resolution by <assetResolutionOption>, should uniquely identify the security.


  • In the case where the incoming file for SWAP or FORWARD has <assetResolutionOption>node is NOT specified, the security will be resolved by common security resolution logic for SWAPs or FORWARDs based on primary asset id/type and swap type (for swaps).

In order to provide compatibility with cases when the swap or forward security was early inserted with primary asset id/type only, but the incoming file updating the record contains assetResolutionOption (e.g., <assetResolutionOption>BCUSIP</assetResolutionOption>), the W_ALWAYS_USE_XREF global parameter for can be used. By default it is enabled (empty value equals "Y"). 

If you disable it ("N"), security resolution will be performed by primary asset id/type and swap type if type (for swaps) if the assetResolutionOption was passed in the incoming file for swap or forward record and the security was not resolved by xrefs.


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Case Insensitive

Sometimes you want to force xrefs be loaded in upper case for a record to make them case insensitive. Use the following element in the incoming message:

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Use Only Security Alias as XREF

When <assetResolutionOption>USE_ONLY_SEC_ALIAS_AS_XREF</assetResolutionOption> is set, only Security Alias will be used as identifier and if resolution cannot find a Security, new Security will be created.

In case of I2I the following option in the RTR for I2I workflow can be added:

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