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About Data Strategies

The data strategy governs the process of validating the vendor data, creating, enriching, and validating the golden copy security, and releasing the golden copy security on a field by field basis to the SECURITY database in the Eagle data warehouse.

When you create a data strategy, you select the options that control the types of reference data to release, the vendors to use, and the validations to apply for each gold copy composited security. You can define a series of data strategies for each reference data type, such as security, analytics, and so forth; however, you must not set up two data strategies that process the same security for the same reference data type. You can import Eagle default data strategies when you migrate security data strategies.

Each data strategy identifies the following:

  • Securities managed by the data strategy
  • Field groups and release levels in the data strategy
  • Gold copy sources to release
  • Source hierarchy rules for each field
  • Validation rules for each field
  • Enrichment rules for each field
  • Input values, such as default and override values

Create Data Strategies

You can use the Setup workspace in Reference Data Center to create a data strategy by specifying information about the data strategy, including the name, general description, securities to process, fields to composite, data sources to use, and the enrichments and validations to apply during the securities compositing process. You can also audit the historical changes to data strategies.

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Table of Contents
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excludeAbout Data Strategies

Default Data Strategy

Once you create a data strategy, you can set it as the default data strategy. Each data category can have their own default data strategy. When a category has a default strategy set up, any securities that do not meet any other data strategy criteria are picked up and processed by the d default data strategy. This enables you to identify the securities that are not classified and to reclassify the securities appropriately.


Define the Data Strategy

You can define a data strategy that governs a specific subset of securities, including source hierarchy rules and other information about compositing data for these securities.


define a new

define the data strategy:

  1. From the Setup workspace, click Data Strategies in the left navigation
, click Data Strategies
  1. .
    You see the Data Strategy workspace with the list of available data strategies.
Values include:
- Analytics
- Exchange RateClick Create New and select the data type
- Issuer
- Issuer Analytics
- Issuer Ratings
- Prepayment Time Series
- Price
- Ratings
- Relationships
- Roles
- Schedules
- Security
- Third Party Cash Flow
- Variable Rates
  1. Click Create New and from the drop-down list, select the type of data strategy you want to create.
    You see the Data Strategy

Definition dialog box.
  1. wizard with the Define page as the default.

    Depending on the type of data strategy you are creating, the wizard displays only relevant pages. 

  2. In the ID text box, enter a unique identifier. If you leave this option blank, the system assigns a unique identifier.
  3. In the Name text box, enter a name for the data strategy.
  4. In the Description text box, optionally enter a description of the data strategy.
  • Click the Source Rule drop down and select the source rules that govern the hierarchy of vendor data preferences.
  • Click the Gold Copy drop-down and select a gold copy. Valid options are: Default, or All.  

  • Click the Enabled
    1. The Data Type field defaults to the type of data strategy selected in from the drop-down list.
    2. Select a Data Strategy Group from the drop-down list.
    3. Select a Gold Copy from the drop-down list. See Options for more details. 
    4. Set the Enabled check box (default) to indicate the data strategy is enabled for use. Or, clear the check box to disable use.
    To composite based on full schedule  
    1. Click
    Composite full schedule based on 1 vendor otherwise, the default is to composite based on each effective.
  • To make this the default data strategy, check the box next to the Processing Option field.
  • Click the
    1. the Vendor Data Expiration drop down and optionally select a date rule to block stale vendor data from composite use.
    2. Click Next.
      You see the
    Data Strategies Securities dialog box_Toc422747237Specify
    1. Criteria page.

    Specify the Security Criteria

    In the Securities Criteria

    You must specify the subset of securities governed by the data strategy

    page you can define the security and/or holdings criteria.

    To specify

    the selection of securities to use

    the security criteria:

    1. Click Define for Security Selection Criteria and use the Logic Builder to define the security filter that defines the subset of securities processed by the data strategy.
    Click the Security Tab Configuration drop down and select the reference data you wish to composite or directly maintain for a security governed by
    1. To apply holdings criteria to the data strategy
    .Under Holdings Criteria
    1. , click
    to apply
    1. the Apply holdings criteria to this data strategy
    .Click the Entities drop -down and optionally select the entities to filter for
    1.  check box and then select an option from the  Entities, Source, and Date Rule drop-down lists.
    2. To define Additional Criteria, click Define and optionally use the Logic Builder to define the securities with holdings processed by
    the data strategy.Click  the Source drop-down and select the source rule to apply to Click
    1. the data strategy.
    2. Click
    the Date Rule drop-down and select the date rule to apply.
    1.  Next.
      You see the
    Data Strategy Field Group dialog box. Anchor_Toc422747238_Toc422747238
    1. Sources page.

    Select the Field Groups

    You must select one or more field groups from the /wiki/spaces/ReferenceData2017/pages/37931472 the composited security produced by the data strategy

    In the Fields page you can select a field group that contains your intended composite field. RDC uses field groups which is the reason why a group is chosen even one there is only one composite field.

    To select field groups for the data strategy:

    If compositing multiple gold copies, click the Gold Copy drop down and select the gold copy associated with this set of field group information.

    1. Select the Field Groups from the drop
    down and select one or more field groups to define the composite produced by the data strategy
    1. -down list.
      You see the
    Field Group Selector dialog box.
  • Select one or more field groups and click OK.
    You see the list of selected field groups in the Data Strategy Field Group dialog box
  • Click
    1. field group details displayed in the space below.
    2.  Click Next.
      You see the
    Data Strategy Fields dialog box with the list of fields for each field group. Anchor_Toc422747239_Toc422747239

    Assign Field Release Levels

    You can re-assign release levels and override composite options for this data strategy. The assignments and options default to the field group definitions unless otherwise re-assigned and overridden.

    To select release levels and composite options for fields:

  • If compositing multiple gold copies, click the Gold Copy drop down and select the gold copy associated with this set of fields and release levels.
  • Click the Release Level drop down and select the release level for each field as required.
  • Set the Composite Null Values check box to indicate whether to allow the release of each field with a null value as required.
  • Set the Authorization Needed check box for each field as required.
  • Set the Log Changes check box for each field as required.
  • Click
    1. Fields page.

    Select the Fields

    In the Fields page you can define field attributes for the fields chosen in Field Group. See Options for more details.

    1. For each field, select the check box that corresponds to the attributes you want to give the field. 
    2. Click Next.
      You see the
    Data Strategy
    1. Sources
    dialog box
    1. page.
    Anchor_Toc422747240_Toc422747240Select Source Rules for FieldsYou

    Define the Sources

    In the Sources page you can select a pre-defined source

    rule for each field to use when compositing data for the data strategy.

    To select enrichment rules for fields:

  • If compositing multiple gold copies, click the Gold Copy drop down and select the gold copy for this set of fields and source rules.
  • hierarchy rule.

    1. For each field
    , click the
    1. that displays, select a rule from the Source Rule
    drop down and select a source rule to use, as required
    1.  drop-down list.
      You see the source hierarchy rules displayed in the space below.
    2. Click Next.
      You see
    the Data Strategy Validation dialog box. Anchor_Toc422747241_Toc422747241Allow / Block Validations for Fields

    You can allow and block field validations for fields when compositing data for the data strategy.

    To allow or block validations for fields:

    1. If compositing multiple gold copies, click the Gold Copy drop down and select the gold copy for this set of fields and validations.
    2. Set the validation name check box to allow the use of this field validation. Or, clear the check box to block raising this validation flag.
    3. Click Next.
      You see the Data Strategy Overrides dialog box.
    Anchor_Toc422747242_Toc422747242Specify Overrides

    You can specify the types of overrides allowed when compositing fields for the data strategy.

    To specify the type of override allowed composite fields:

    1. If compositing multiple gold copies, click the Gold Copy drop down and select the gold copy associated with this set of fields and overrides.
    2. Click the Overrides drop down, and select the type of override. Options include:
      –  (Blank). No override applies.
      –  Override Value. Allows you to enter an override value.
      –  Default Value. Allows you to enter a default value.
    3. Click Save to save the data strategy.
      You see the refreshed list of data strategies in the Data Strategies workspace.
    Anchor_Toc422747243_Toc422747243Audit Changes to Data Strategies

    You can audit the historical changes to data strategies.

    To audit changes to data strategies:

    1. In the Setup workspace, click Data Strategies in the left navigation.
      You see the Data Strategies workspace with the list of available strategies.
    2. Select the data strategy you wish to audit and click the Audit button.
      You see the list of historical changes, including the user ID and timestamp associated with the change.
    3. Select the historical record and click View Audit Record.
      You see the Data Strategy Audit Details dialog box.
    4. Click Compare Audit to Current to display the difference between the historical and the current field properties. Or, select a second historical record and click Compare Audit Records to display the differences between the two records.
    5. Click OK to exit the review.
    Anchor_Toc422747244_Toc422747244 Submit Data Strategies

    You can use the Setup workspace in Reference Data Center to submit data strategies during quality assurance activities to confirm the setup of the strategy. You can manually submit a data strategy in a production environment to re-run a scheduled job. You can also submit the data strategies that govern a specific data type.

    To submit data strategies:

    1.  In the Setup workspace, click Data Strategies in the left navigation.You see the Data Strategy workspace with the list of all available data strategies.
    2.  Select the data strategy you wish to submit and click Submit and Submit Data Strategy.
      You see the Submit dialog box.
    3.  Set the Only submit for securities with changes since the last submission check box to restrict processing to only securities that have new data to composite.
    4.  In the Days to Look Back text box, enter the number of days of recent vendor data you wish used for the composite.
    5.  Click the Effective Date drop down and select the date you wish securities composited.
    6.  Set the Submit the Engine at Log Level check box to override the Default log levels and select a log level from 1 to 10.
    7.  Click Submit. The data strategy is submitted to the system for compositing of the securities associated with the data strategy.

    To submit data strategies governed by a specific data type:

  • In the Setup workspace, click Data Strategies in the left navigation.
    You see the Data Strategy workspace with the list of all available data strategies.
  • Select the data strategy you wish to submit and click Submit and Submit Data Type (Changes Only).
    You see the Submit for Data Type dialog box.
  • Click the Data Type drop down and select the data type you wish to composite.
  • In the Days to Look Back text box, enter the number of days of recent vendor data you wish used for the composite.
  • Click the Only Submit for Selected Securities and select the security/securities or Click the Only Submit for Selected Legal Entities and select the legal entity or entities to submit.
  • Set the Submit the Engine at Log Level check box to override the Default log levels and select a log level from 1 to 10.
  • Click Submit. All enabled data strategies for the specified data type are submitted for processing.
    You can use the Monitor workspace in Reference Data Center, without exiting the Reference Data Center, to access the Automation Center for the status of submitted events with Process Type equal to Reference Data Center.
    1. Define Vendor Date Expiration page.

    Define Vendor Data Expiration 

    In the Vendor Data Expiration page you can define the date rule for all vendor data sources. The Define Vendor Expiration page displays a list of the unique vendor sources of all the source rules used in the sources tab. By default it would be the vendor expiration rule selected or null if it’s not selected. User can override default rule for a particular source and save this as a DS override

    1. For each Vendor Source listed, select the corresponding Date Rule from the drop-down list. Options include the vendor expiration rule selected on the Define page and Null. 
    2. Click Next.
      You see the Enrichments page.

    Apply Enrichments

    In the Enrichments page you can select pre-configured enrichments to be applied to the data strategy that you are creating.

    1. For each field that displays, select the Enrichment from the drop-down list.
    2. Select if the enrichment to be applied is an Overlay or Default.
    3. Click Next.
      You see the Validations page.

    Apply Validations

    In the Validations page you can select which type of validation rules to apply to your data strategy.

    1. Select the Validation Processing. Options include:
      –  Process using global validation rules only.
      –  Define specific validation rule
    2. If you selected to Define specific validation rules, then select Validation Rule from the drop-down list. 
    3. Click Save & Close.
      The data strategy has been added to the list of available data strategies in the workspace.

    Apply Overrides

    In the Override page you can apply field level overrides. 

    1. Select an option from the Override value drop-down list. Options include: Override Value and Default value.
    2. Click Save & Close to save your sections.

      Click Back to return to any of the previous pages where you can edit your selections.