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Code Block
    "Region": "Oracle SID of the region", /*Oracle SID of region name to which this config belongs*/
    "Connections": [
            "ConnectionName": "default.wmq.connection", /* connection name. Do NOT use underscore character ("_") in name */
            "ComponentName": "wmq", /* name of component */
            "Parameters": {
                "transportType": 1, /* sets the transport type */
                "port": 1414,       /* sets the port for a client connection */
                "channel": "S_eglwwvm24c",  /* sets the name of the channel - applies to client transport mode only */
                "queueManager": "QM_eglwwvm24c", /* sets the name of the queue manager */
                "HostName": ""  /* Sets the name of the host (or IP) */

            ,   "ClientID": "enterprise" /* optional: sets the client ID */
			,	"CCSID": 1	 /* optional: sets the character set to be used when connecting to the queue manager */
			,	"clientReconnectTimeout": 10 /* optional: set the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect */

MC2 provides the following predefined JMS componets, which can be used in ComponentName:

wmq - the component to be used for producers/Outbound streams. Maintains a pool of connections

wmq-no-pool - the component to be used for consumers. No connection pool maintained

wmqssl - the component to be used for SSL connections to WebSphere MQ. Uses a pool of connections.

wmqssl-no-pool - the component to be user for consumer.

External vendor libraries:
