MC2 can be restarted with a SOAP request and or by sending an RTR to eagle_ml-2-0_extract_service_control_message stream execution.
1. SOAP request example:
Restarting with frontend server (admin users only)Only the super users can restart MC2 with an authenticated SOAP request. The following command can be used to restart MC2:
curl --user username:password --header "commandType:restartmc2" --header "commandValue:all" --header "SOAPAction:/EagleMLWebService/RunTaskRequestSync" --data-binary @RTR_RESTARTMC2.xml https://frontendserver/EagleMLWebService30 -o restartMC2.txt
The following HTTP headers are required headers:
SOAPAction:/EagleMLWebService/RunTaskRequestSync - for SOAP request;