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Concurrent Consumers can be set to 20, which means that one MC2 Worker will process concurrently 20 messages from the queue. If we have 8 MC2 workers (this corresponds to four servers running MC2), MC2 will process 160 messages from the queue concurrently. If this parameter is not set, MC2 will process one message per worker, i.e. for 8 workers only 8 messages will be processed concurrently.

Inbound Queue MC2JMS Stream - Preserving The Sequence (available starting July 2019 MC2 Release)

To preserve the sequence we should make sure we consume messages on one consumer only. The configuration for this type of consumption will be the same as the configuration for Queue Concurrent Processing with the following differences:


To improve the performance and have some of the messages processed in parallel a Splitting Rule should be defined for the JMS stream. If the Split Type parameter in the Message Center Console Stream is defined as Rule Based and a rule is selected, MC2 will use the Split Rule to calculate the key for each record in the message and will persist it in its local topic (currently kafka) for further processing. The records/messages with same key will be processed sequentially. The records with different keys can be processed concurrently.

Durable Topic Subscription (available starting July 2019 MC2 Release)

The configuration for the Durable Topic Subscription is almost the same as the configuration for Inbound Queue - Preserving The Sequence, with the following differences:
