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3. Set the Connection Name parameter to the ConnectionName used in the connection configuration file.

  • The Destination Type should be QUEUE or ALIAS. If the parameter is set to QUEUE then Destination Name should be set to the physical queue name as defined in ActiveMQ or WebSphere MQ queue manager. If the Destination Type is set to ALIAS, the name should be an alias defined in the aliases definition file, as described inĀ JMS Logical


  • Names Configuration (Aliases)
  • Sequential Reading parameter should be set to N.
  • Concurrent Consumers can be set to 20, which means that one MC2 Worker will process concurrently 20 messages from the queue. If we have 8 MC2 workers (this corresponds to four servers running MC2), MC2 will process 160 messages from the queue concurrently. If this parameter is not set, MC2 will process one message per worker, i.e. for 8 workers only 8 messages will be processed concurrently.

Inbound Queue MC2JMS Stream - Preserving The Sequence (available starting July 2019 MC2 Release)
