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MC2 EJM has a number of built-in tasks for frequently used purposes. There are packer, unpacker and distribution tasks. Currently supported archive file types are: N, ZIP, TAR and TARGZ.

Packer Task

  • Name: eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_packer
  • Include name: eagle_ml-2-0_cm\mc2\ejm\workflow\
  • The task is used to pack files into archive.
  • Supported Inbound Parameters:
    • Compress – archive format.

Unpacker Task

  • Include name: eagle_ml-2-0_cm\mc2\ejm\workflow\
  • The task is used to unpack files from archive or to retrieve a list of files in the archive.
  • Supported Inbound Parameters:
    • archiveType – archive format.
  • Supported Outgoing Parameters:
    • TASK_[unpacker task name]_DataFlowFiles – the list of archive files, usually  used in conditionToExecute to skip task execution if the archive does not contain the right file. For example: unpacker task name= generic_load_unpacker,
    • conditionToExecute= iif(StringLength(:param_TASK_generic_load_unpacker_DataFlowFiles:)=0,0,iif(find(:param_TASK_generic_load_unpacker_DataFlowFiles:, '_ISSUERORGANIZATION_') = -1 ,0,1))   

Distribution Task

  • Name: eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_file_distribution
  • Include name: eagle_ml-2-0_cm\mc2\ejm\workflow\
  • The task is used to distribute result files using file system,JMS,HTTP,FTP etc.
  • Current version supports file system and JMS only.
  • Supported Inbound Parameters:
    • ExtractDeliveryMethod – Possible values are FILE,JMS, Default value is FILE.
    • CustomExtractLocation – Full path to custom folder where result files should be placed, used with DeliveryMethod=FILE only. Default extract files location is cmw/extracts folder on application server.
    • JMSDeliveryStream or JMSExtractDeliveryStream – The JMS stream name, used with DeliveryMethod=JMS only.
    • JMSDeliveryURI – Any valid JMS connection string. This is not fully supported in the current MC2 version, used with DeliveryMethod=JMS only.