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The workflow contains one ExecuteCM task only. The task runs eagle_wrf_generic_extract_mc2 workflow with the following pre-selected default parameters:

ParameterDefault Value
ebs:default:DeltaBasedY   to extract delta only
ebs:default:DeltaBasedUIDAZURE_CLOUD  unique uid for delta
ebs:default:OutputFormatEagleJSON   - to extract in EagleJson format
ebs:default:TargetSinkTypeazureblob  - to publish extract data to azure
DisableDistributionStepY - to skip distribution step in mc2 workflow
FeedTypeebs:warehouseposition, ebs:warehouseperformance, ebs:warehousenav, ebs:exchangeprice,ebs:smf,ebs:genericentity, ebs:codevalue, ebs:issuefxrate,ebs:warehousetrade, ebs:issueprice,ebs:errordefinition


The following parameters can be set in the profile:

interfaceThe list of ebs interfaces separated by comma
OutputFormat Default value is EagleJSON

Default value is azureblob

ExcludeZero Default value is Y
Includenull  Default value is Y
DisableDistributionStepDefault value is Y
  1. To create a new profile, open Monitoring Tool and select the Activities tab.
  2. Click the Add Profile button.
  3. Complete the appeared form as shown below.

    Action – Execute Workflow
    Workflow – eagle_wrf_cloud_workflow
    Task Parameters - the parameters to change

  4. Select Save Profile As to save the profile.
    You see the saved path in the Profile field.
  5. To use the profile in workflow execution by schedule, add in Automation Center to schedule the rule.
    1166 tag  with profile name, for example, eagle_wrf_cloud_extract_mlperf.profile.
    For MC versions 2017 and higher, you can add the parameter ProfileName instead of 1166 tag.