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For example:

"credentials": "clientcredentials/sftpcrendentials"

In this case the credentials are encrypted and retrieved from a file in


The credentials reference has two parts - a credential group name and the specific credential name. In the above example the credentials group name is clientcredentials and is translated into the credentials file name. The credential name is sftpcredentials and points to a section within the credentials file name.

Each encrypted credentials file has a region designation, which is the Oracle SID of the environment. If the credentials file is copied to a different environment it will fail to work.

There is a SOAP endpoint provided to save encrypted credentials. An example RTR to save the credentials is provided below:

Code Block
titleSample RTR To Store Credentials
<EagleML xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation=" eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest">
       <value>POST /eagle/v2/configurations/clientcredentials/sftpcredentials</value>
           "user_id": "eagle",
           "password": "eagle1234",
           "passphrase": "test123"

The above RTR will create a credentials configuration which can be referred with the "credentials":  "clientcredentials/sftpcrendentials" element in the distribution profile file.