Versions Compared


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MC2 exposes a set of REST and Web Service Endpoints.  The endpoint port The endpoint port numbers are calculated from a base port number. The base port is calculated based on the information from , which is taken from the eagle/cfg/system.xml (or file. For Eagle 13.1 systems the file is eagle/estar/tpe/cfg/system.xml on Eagle 13.1 systems).

For example if , when the system.xml file has the following data:, the MC2 base port is calculated as 20000 + 220 = 20220.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<system version="1.1">
  <servers baseport="20000" server_type="1" starversion="**Eagle Version 13.1**">
    <server ignorewsdb="1" name="extractservice" offset="220" type="extractservice"/>

The MC2 base port will be 20000 + 220 = 20220.

All other endpoints have an offset, which is added to the base port will result and results in that a specific endpoint port number.

  • MC2


  • initiates a TpeSend listener to process requests from the EagleMLWebService30 endpoint on the MC2 base port (


  • 20220 based on the example above).
  • A REST API to the Eagle MC2 Extract Service


  • is calculated as base port


  • plus an offset of 207. The result is 20427 when using the example above


  • .
  • A REST API for health checks and information about the running instance of MC2


  • is calculated as port plus an offset of 202. The result is 20422 when using the example above


  • . The information


  • can be accessed at


  •        http://mc2host:20422/actuator.
  • This request


  • returns a JSON document


  • which links to all the other available management/monitoring links.


  •        The information can be accessed at http://mc2host:20422/health. This


  • returns a simple health status check.
  • A REST endpoint


  • reinitializes the rule cache at base port


  • plus an offset of 206. The result is 20426 when using the example above


  • . The URL


  • is http://mc2host:20426/services/eagle/v2/commands/reinitrulecache.


  • The above request


  • reinitializes the rule cache for all of the MC2 service instances.
  • A SOAP endpoint


  • executes requests, exposed directly without the TpeSend/IIS


  • as base port


  • plus an offset of 201 The result is 20421 when using the example above


  • . The URL to invoke the SOAP endpoint is


  • http://mc2host:20421/services/eagle/v2/EagleMLWebService20


  • .