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The following table describes the options on the Add Entity Election Detail panel.

Field TagDescription
 Add Voluntary Entity Election

 Entity ID

 Entity Name

Long/short Indicator 15Displays a value of LONG or SHORT for the swap contract and each leg. When the Long/Short Indicator field (tag 2284) in the upper pane has a value of Long, the Long/Short Indicator (tag 15) in the lower pane identifies the swap contract as Long, the pay leg as Short, and the receive leg as Long. If you set the Long/Short Indicator field (tag 2284) in the upper pane to Short, the Long/Short Indicator (tag 15) in the lower pane identifies the swap contract as Short, the pay leg as Long, and the receive leg as Short.
 Voluntary Corporate Action Detail

 Asset ID Type 1432
 Asset ID 14
 Issue Name 961
 CA Type 1413
CA Election Type4513Returns a list of custom codes (no default values) that can classify the type of action.
 Entity Election Details

Position Quantity 122
Sweep Date 1197Specifies the date that the global processes use to extract the corporate action for processing at the global level and apply it to eligible entities/holdings.
 Ex Date 65
Expiry Date Processing 12877
Trade Date 1109
Specifies the trade date of the corporate action. By default you see
the trade date for the corporate action
 Pay Date 1275
Elected Shares 316
Specifies the number of shares participating in the voluntary corporate action for the entity. If you specify the elected shares, the system calculates the Elected Shares Percent value for you.
Elected Shares Percent1001
Specifies the percent of shares participating in the voluntary corporate action for the entity. If you specify the elected shares percent, the system calculates the Elected Shares value for you.
Entity Election Status 54
Indicates the status of the voluntary corporate action entity election.
Options include:
Eligible for Consent 8097
Indicates whether the voluntary corporate action entity
election is eligible for consent payments. Options include:
Yes and No.
Elected Shares for Consent 8098
Specifies the number of shares eligible for consent
Effective Date on Consent
 8011 Displays the effective date on consent.
 Rate Of Action (Consent) 8010 Displays the effective rate of consent payment.
