Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • Added support of the Entity Regulatory load into the history table
  • Added support of the Entity Regulatory deletion
  • Added the Effective Date mapping for the inbound and outbound rules.

Files changed:

Files added:


Also, the effectiveDate node was added into the extract and the XSD schema.

Files changed:


The field SECURITY_MASTER_DETAIL.ALT_INVESTMENT_TYPE (alias SMD_ALT_INVESTMENT_TYPE) was added to the Warehouse Trade Extract - WRHSTRADEEXTRACT, Warehouse Position Extract - WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT and Warehouse Open Lot Extract - WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT.  

This field is part of the tagvalue extract of eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q stream only and is not a part of the EagleML Extract.


New elements bookCostBase (tag 17038) and bookCostLocal (tag 17039) were added in both the Inbound and Outbound interfaces of the Warehouse Open Lot - WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT object type.  The elements bookPriceLocal and bookPriceBase were also added to the outbound interface.


New elements bookCostBase (tag 17038) and bookCostLocal (tag 17039) were added in both the inbound and outbound interfaces of the Warehouse Position - WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT object type.  The elements bookPriceLocal and bookPriceBase were also added to the outbound interface.
