Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This section describes how to set up the PACE system parameters that support multicurrency conversion for the Performance Calculation report. These parameters can also affect currency conversion in other types of PACE reports.

To change system settings related to currency conversion:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter System Parameters in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the System Parameters (System Management Center) link to access the System Management Center.
    You see the PACE System Parameters page.
  4. For each system setting related to currency conversion processing that you want to edit, select the check box to the left of the Sys Item, click Edit and select a different value, and then click Save.
    The new value appears in the corresponding Sys Value cell. The following table describes each setting related to currency conversion.

Sys Item




FX rates quotation method

Determines if the FX rate is a multiplier or divisor. Used for cross currency calculations to indicate whether the FX_RATES table contains either multiply by or divide by rates. If set to:

  • 0 (Direct quotation) indicates multiplier. Direct quotations are stored in TO foreign currency units per one FROM currency unit.
  • 1 (Indirect quotation) indicates divisor. indirect quotations are stored in FROM currency units per one TO currency unit.
    The default value is 0.


Number of days to go back to look for FX rates

Determines how many days to look back for FX rates.
The default value is 0.


FX Cross Rate Currency - ISO code of the Currency used for cross rates

If you enable cross currency calculation, identifies the ISO code of the reference currency you use to store FX rates.
Most Eagle US clients store FX rates in USD. For example, if you store FX rates in EUR, identify EUR as the reference currency.
The default value is USD.


Cross Currency Calculation

Determines whether to enable cross currency calculation. If set to:

  • Y, PACE allows you to arrive at the FX rate of a third currency by triangulation. This requires that you load only one reference currency FX rate and additionally load cross currency rates.
  • N, PACE does not allow you to arrive at the FX rate of a third currency by triangulation. This requires that you load FX rates for every reference currency.
    The default value is N (No).

Define Holdings Fields for Conversion


The following figure shows a sample cash field.

Sample Cash Field for Multicurrency Conversion

Set Up the Report Profile for Currency Conversion
