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The Reference Data Center Pricing tool enables you to view pricing data by:

  • Data Date Type
  • Source
  • View Data By

Data Date Type. The Date type defaults field default to the effective date. This is the date on which the records that will be viewed.   The other option is process date.  This is the date the record was updated lastYou can also choose the Process date.

Source. Source  The Source field defaults to All Sources. This displays all sources with data for the view that you have elected that the business group the individual has assigned has that you have access to.

Designation View View data by. This field defaults to vendor prices. This is the summary view of vendor price records. Additional views are vendor exceptions, gold prices, and gold exceptions.


Filter fields available are controlled by RDC system setting 1038 (Client: Fields to display in pricing summary screen (view by vendor)) and RDC system setting 1037 (Client: Fields to display in pricing summary screen (view by gold copy).  Any fields from the SECURITYDBO schema can be added to the default fields in this setting to assist with targeting specific data sets.  You can then elect which of these filter fields to display using the green plus sign to the right of the filter fields.  The filter fields and pre-set values for each can be saved for an individual’s profile for queries the person will use often.

Additional Filters

View Data by Vendor Prices


To View data by Vendor Prices

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace,click Prices in the left navigation.
    You see the Prices workspace.
  2. In the View Data By Drop Down, select Vendor Prices.
  3. The Effective Date defaults to today's date. 
  4. Complete the search criteria and click the Search button.
  5. Click Search.
    All records matching your search criteria display.
