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Calculation & Display Level

Selected level to calculate attribution and display results down to

Specifies the lowest level of the performance model at which the report uses returns and weights to calculate risk, contribution, and attribution statistics. 
By default, the field displays a value of Total. You must select a level other than Total for a meaningful attribution analysis.

Limit results to the level selected above

If you set the prior field to a performance model level other than Security Level, this option allows you to limit the results you retrieve and display. It determines whether the report displays all results or only displays results down to the level specified in the prior field. If displaying results down to a selected level, you can specify whether the report retrieves security level data for rollup purposes, and whether the report additionally displays security level data. Options include:

  • Do not limit results. (Default) Displays all results.
  • Limit results. Displays report results down to the level specified in the prior field in this section. Does not retrieve security level data so that it can roll up that data. 

    This is the most optimized option, resulting in the fastest report run time. The system processes records for Performance Analysis, Performance Link Analysis, and Risk Statistic field types only down to the same limit level used for the Attribution fields. Selecting this value can result in the processing of many less records and correspondingly faster report run times. However, this option does lead to the limitation that any security level and entity rollup fields included on the report show as blank due to the lack of record processing below the limit level.
  • Limit results, fetch and display securities. Displays report results down to the level specified in the prior field in this section. In addition, retrieves and displays security level data below the selected level. This option allows you to view securities below a performance model level when that level is not the lowest level in the model.
  • The system retrieves records and processes them down to the security level for Performance Analysis, Performance Link Analysis, Performance Risk Analysis, Performance IRR Analysis, Performance Attribution Group, and Global Attribution Group fields even though the report level is limited above the security level.
  • Limit results, fetch but do not display securities. (This option is provided for backward compatibility only.) Displays report results down to the level specified in the prior field in this section, the Selected level to calculate attribution and display results down to field. Does not display security level data, but retrieves security level data so that it can roll up that data. 

    The system retrieves records and processes them down to the security level for Performance Analysis, Performance Link Analysis, and Risk Statistic fields even though the report level is limited to above the security level. The chief benefit of this option is that it allows you to display security and entity fields in rollup fields on Performance Analysis reports. 
    Some examples of report results you receive after selecting these options appear in the next section.

Show attribution inputs below selected level

For attribution reports, do one of the following:

  • Select this check box to display the attribution input weights and returns below the level selected for the calculation of attribution statistics in the Selected level to calculate attribution and display results down to field.
  • Clear the check box to prevent display of the attribution inputs below the selected level. 

    By default, if you set the Limit results to the level selected above field to:
  • Do not limit results, this check box is selected.
  • Limit results, this check box is cleared and unavailable.
  • Limit results, fetch and display securities, this check box is selected and unavailable.
  • Limit results, fetch but do not display securities, this check box is cleared and unavailable.

Suppress benchmark data not held by the profile portfolio

Select this check box to exclude benchmark data in the results for securities where the benchmark includes holdings that the related portfolio does not hold.

Dynamic Performance

Portfolio Look Through

In dynamic performance reports, select this check box to use portfolio look through. This option is available only if you do not select a performance model as the report's grouping rule. For more information, refer to "Invoking Portfolio Look-Through."

Adjust Securities Values to Match Parent

This checkbox becomes active when you select the checkbox for Portfolio Look Through. Check this box to adjust the returns of underlying securities by a drift factor so that they roll up to match the return of the look-through security they replaced.

Apply Filter for Benchmark

In dynamic performance reports, select this check box to apply data filters to the benchmark. This option is available only if you do not select a performance model as the report's grouping rule. For more information, refer to "Classifications, Filters, and Range Rules."

Limit Results Examples

The Limit Results to the Level Selected Above option affects whether you can view security level data directly below intervening performance model levels after you commit data once to a performance model.



North America

Security 1

Security 2

Security 3

Security 4


Security 5

Security 6

Security 7

Report Outputs from Calculation & Display Level Settings

The following table summarizes the report outputs that you can produce by combining the following Calculation & Display Level option settings. The report processing shown is designed to provide more recent functions while preserving backward compatibility for existing report profiles.

Field Types Included in Field Rule

Calculate Attribution Statistics at the Level

Limit Results to the Level Selected Above

Show Attribution Inputs Below Selected Level

Report Processing

Mixed Performance Analysis and attribution group

Total or rollup

Do not limit results


Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from selected level, non-attribution data is displayed down to security level.

Mixed Performance Analysis and attribution group

Total or rollup

Do not limit results


Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from selected level, all data is displayed down to security level.

Mixed Performance Analysis and attribution group

Total or rollup

Limit results

Cleared (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to selected level, attribution is calculated from selected level, all data is displayed down to selected level.

Mixed Performance Analysis and attribution group

Total or rollup

Limit results, fetch but do not display securities

Cleared (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from selected level, all data is displayed down to selected level.

Mixed Performance Analysis and attribution group

Total or rollup

Limit results, fetch and display securities

Selected (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from selected level, all data is displayed down to security level.

Mixed Performance Analysis and attribution group


Do not limit results (Unavailable)

Cleared (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from security level, all data is displayed down to security level.

Attribution group only

Total or rollup

Do not limit results


Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from selected level, all data is displayed down to security level.

Attribution group only

Total or rollup

Limit results

Cleared (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to selected level, attribution is calculated to selected level, all data is displayed down to selected level.

Attribution group only

Total or rollup

Limit results, fetch and display securities

Selected (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated from selected level, all data is displayed down to security level.

Attribution group only


Do not limit results (Unavailable)

Cleared (Unavailable)

Data is retrieved to security level, attribution is calculated to security level, all data is displayed down to security level

Display and Hide the Total Row

All Performance analysis reports are displayed without the Total row. This makes the report more consistent with other OLAP reports. See the following figure.
