Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


 The problem was that Duplicated Xref Identifiers were added to the same security when Accounting Validation Flag is set to Y.

 In order to resolve the issue, we had to initialize variables in the rule.

Changed files:

SDP-12456 : Accounting Trade loads through EagleML requires support of the tagNochangecase capability

Accounting Trade and Multiple Leg Accounting Trade interfaces were enhanced to support tagNochangecase element. This element is mapped to the tag 4637 in the Trade panels.

Files changed:


SDP-10683 : Create new EagleML extract to retrieve a listing of AEW events

A new outbound interface was created for the new ControlCenterEventLog EagleML object.


Supported date filter for extract: 
- UpdateDate
Supported own filters for extract: 
- eventgroupname (filters on the 'eventGroupName' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.EVENT_NAME)
- eventtaskid (filters on the 'eventTaskId' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.TASK_ID)
- activeflag (filters on the 'activeFlag' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.ACTIVE_FLAG)
- completedflag (filters on the 'completedFlag' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.COMPLETED_FLAG)
- coregroup (filters on the 'coreGroup' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.CORE_GROUP)
- statisticcategory (filters on the 'statisticCategory' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.STATISTICS_CATEGORY)
- statisticname (filters on the 'statisticName' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.STATISTICS_NAME)
- statistictype (filters on the 'statisticType' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.STATISTICS_TYPE)
- businessprocessinggroup (filters on the 'businessProcessingGroup' field, DB field name: EVENT_GROUP.BUS_PROCESS_GRP)

The extract has been added to the eagle_wrf_generic_extract workflow.

Added files:

Modified files:

SDP-14727 : ENTITYENTITLEMENTLISTEXTRACT - Missing ObjectionDescription in Output for MC Classic

Missing mapping for objectDescription field has been added in the extract transform rule for EntityEntitlementList.

Changed files:

SDP-14354 : EntityShareClass, EntityStatistics, EntityRating -fix minor output and grouping issues

EntityShareClass extract contained an empty heldAsset node.
Transform rule has been updated to not output empty node if there is no information inside.

EntityRating extract transform rule didn't group records by source, as a result invalid by XSD EagleML could be created. 
Source field has been added in the grouping for EntityRating interface in the extract transform rule.

EntityStatistics extract transform rule didn't group records by source, as a result invalid by XSD EagleML could be created. 
Also effectiveDate field didn't have mapping.

Source field has been added in the grouping for EntityStatistics interface in the extract transform rule and added mapping for effectiveDate field.

Changed files:

SDP-15920 : Workflow_restart stream isn't failed if underlying workflow is failed

The issue was that corresponding event and schedule for schedule-based workflow did not get correct status in case when underlying workflow fails.

The issue has been fixed by setting the overall status of the workflow as FAILED in case when CreateConsolidatedTSR is defined as Y and underlying steps have errors.

Changed files:



SDP-10820 :  EJM : Adjust eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_sequencer to have correct out of order logic

The sequencer logic was enhanced to sort queue of workflow instances waiting for processing.

This allows processing out of order instances in correct sequence from smaller to bigger.

Modified file:

SDP-12457 : Incorrect error message for WarehousePosition

Wrong security identifiers could be displayed in TSR when warehouse position load fails in the Batch mode.
Changed errors processing for the batch mode. Error returned by database will be displayed in TSR because it has correct identifiers.

Modified file:

SDP-9276 : Curl error during moving several extract files

If split extract file logic is used (For example MicroBatchKeyRecordCount parameter) and deliveryMethod configured as (S) FTP, several files could be generated 
as a result of the extract. In this case there was a problem that only one file was sent to the destination.

The logic for the delivery extracted files to (S) FTP server was updated to be able to send more than one file to the destination.

Changed files:

SDP-15121 :  Incorrect dynamic entity list resolution in extracts when the definition includes Accounting System Description

Extract rules were not correctly resolving dynamic entity lists when the list definition included the Accounting System Description field.

New type of EntityList resolution has been added, it uses dynamic query instead of stored procedure.
Added new value for parameter 'entityselectiontype' for switching between Entity List resolution modes.

'entityselectiontype' parameter values: 
- EntityList - default mode. Stored procedure is used for Entity list resolution (for both EntityList types dynamic or static).
- DynamicPortfolioList - new mode. Dynamic query will be generated and used. Static Entity list in this mode will be resolved by the stored procedure (as in default mode).

Changed files:

SDP-9266 : Allow EJM profiles to use date rules

Support for using date rules in EJM profiles was added. The date rule can be relative to the current date or a specified date.

To use this functionality a parameter has to be added to the profile with the following structure: [date parameter name] + “DateRule” (ex: effectivedateDateRule). The value for this parameter should be the name of the date rule that will be used.

If using the date rule relative to the current date, including the above parameter on its own is enough. The resulting RTR will then have just the date parameter with a value that was calculated based on the date rule (i.e. if effectivedateDateRule is used, the RTR will just contain effectivedate with a value taken from the date rule calculation).

When using this functionality relative to a specified date, then the starting value should be added to the profile in that date parameter. The RTR will contain that same parameter but the original value will be replaced with the calculated one. (I.e. effectivedate [value 2019-01-01] effectivedateDateRule set to next day: the RTR will contain effectivedate [value 2019-01-02])

Changed files:

SDP-15962 : Fix 2017R2 (WIN) Error in Insert and Update Daily Cycles in QA envs. in REF_013_Generic_Issue_Analytics_Insert.xml

There were a number of fields that were missing in Generic Issue Analytic extract.

Generic Issue Analytic interface has been updated to extract these fields.

Following models were changed:

analyticsUserModel (SECURITY_USER_ANALYTICS table) - userSaChar16 - userSaChar30 were not loaded on MSSQL environments version 2017

Meta information has been updated for this model, to load these fields on MSSQL environments. 

ePSEquityModel (SECURITY_EPS_EQUITY table) - only epsEst1X and epsEst2X elements were supported on Oracle environments. The model wasn't supported on MSSQL environments.

Added processing of ePSEquityModel for MSSQL. Added all fields for the model described in XSD for Oracle and MSSQL to load and extract. 

priceEarnEquityModel (SECURITY_PRICE_EARN_EQUITY) - The model wasn't supported on MSSQL environments.

Added processing of priceEarnEquityModel for MSSQL.

Changed files:

SDP-12935 : provide a possibility to exclude files from WAITEVENTS.DAT queue

Previously user wasn't able to remove records about files waiting to be processed.
Information about waiting workflows and files waiting for the launched workflows stored in WAITEVENTS.DAT file or
in the data base (if parameter W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE = Y in the

Functionality to cancel wait event based on the file name (FileName) or WaitEventCorrelationId has been added.
When user sent RTR with WaitEventCorrelationId or CancelRemoteFileName and this value match with wait event state record,
then waiting file for the workflow will be canceled.

Ability to update file statistic information for the canceled files when file statistic is available
if W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE = Y then canceled files will be transferred from {workflow_name} _wait_queue (queue for waiting events) to {workflow_name} _error_queue (queue for canceled events)

RTR taskParameter:

CancelWorkflowName – Workflow Name to cancel event wait (optional parameter, should be used when W_WAITEVENTS_DATABASE_MODE=Y and W_ENABLE_EXTENDED_FILE_STATISTICS=N)
To cancel event wait for run workflow should use one from the next parameters:
WaitEventCorrelationId – CorrelationID of the file to cancel event wait
FileName – a name of the file to cancel event wait

Files Changed:

SDP-17577 :  WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT and WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT - MSTARDIRECT source with IncludePortfolioValuation set to Y or ALL failing

When Source is 'MSTARDIRECT', the extract SQL query was generated incorrectly.

Fixed the error of executing of Warehouse Position and OpenLot extracts with parameter 'IncludePortfolioValuation' = Y or ALL and Source filter = 'MSTARDIRECT'.
Changed rules: