
  1. In Reporting Center, from the left navigation, under select Reporting Tools menu, select  > Datamart > Manage Marts > Data Mart.
    You see the Data Mart windowworkspace.
  2. Select the data mart you want to configure.
  3. Click Administration link and then click Configure.
    You see the Data Mart Configuration dialog box.
  4. Under Security Build Information section, select a security type to build. Options include:
    - Click Build All Securities to build all securities in your Security Master.
    - Click Held securities, and add criteria to include more to build only held securities. Do not click Define Criteria to include unheld securities.
    - Click Held securities..., then click Define Criteria to build held securities plus unheld securities that pass certain criteria you set up.
      You see the Define Data Mart Security Build Criteria dialog box.
     Define Data Mart Security Build Criteria Dialog Box
  5. Create a filter to select securities from the Security Master file for use in populating the Security Details table.
  6. Click OK.
    Data Mart applies the filter the next time you build Security Details.
    Note: If you change the criteria and re-populate the Security Details table with an Effective Date that has been populated before, the previously populated securities are not deleted from the table. If you change the criteria and re-populate the Security Details table with an Effective Date that has never been populated, only securities represented in other Details tables or passing your filter are displayed.
