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Migration Wizard involves a workflow that can separate in time, location, and user identity the outbound from the inbound migration. This is because outbound migration builds a file of migration instructions that can be directed whenever and wherever appropriate to be used to migrate on the inbound side.


  1. From the Manage Mart window, click Migration link and select Migrate Now.
    You see the Migration Wizard dialog box.
  2. From the Migration Process dropdown, select Migrate into current environment.
  3. Click the ellipsis button in the File section.
    You see the Open dialog box as shown in the following figure.
  4. Select an .egl file for inbound migration, then click Add, as shown in the following figure to remove a selected file, click Remove. Click Clear to remove all selections.
    Normally you migrate just a single .egl file.
  5. Click OK to continue.
    You see the Inbound Migration Wizard Step 2 dialog box.
  6. You can accept or override the settings on this dialog box. Best practice is to accept the previously defined defaults. Click Next to continue.
    A dialog box may appear, indicating that some entities mapped to models in the source environment are not present in the target. This is normal and expected, and you can accept this condition and move on. If no source entities exist in the target, you are asked to select at least one entity from the target for the models migrated. You can remove this entity manually post-migration if you choose.
    Next, you see a Validation dialog box. This dialog box displays two types of message:
    • Informational, such as the message displayed in the following figure.
      Inbound Migration Dialog Box Step 2, Informational Validation Message

    • Error, indicating a conflict between meta data being migrated to the source and meta data already present in the target. For more information on conflicts, refer to the section to Migration Conflicts. If it is possible to correct your error validation by changing some characteristic of source metadata before it is migrated, prompts appear in a lower panel allowing you to do that, as shown in the following figure.
      Inbound Migration Dialog Box Step 2, Error Validation Message
  7. On the Inbound Migration dialog box, step 2, click Next to go to Step 3.
    You see the Inbound Migration Wizard, Step 3 dialog box.
  8. Click Start to start the inbound migration.
    When inbound migration is completed, you see the Inbound Migration dialog box Step 3 of 4.
  9. Click View Results to see the name of the migration file you have processed, and the migration log if you enabled logging.



Migration Conflicts

If you fully observe the best practices described in this section, Data Mart migration should be a trouble-free process. However, the tool is built with rules governing what happens when best practices are violated. Such violations can lead to two types of conflict during migration; duplications and inconsistencies.
