To provide entity-related text in a non-English language, you have to create a table in the Eagle warehouse using the name in which your required text field is normally found, with the extension "_ML". This table contains an additional key field L_ID, which is the language instance number from EGL_LANGUAGES.You then use an uploader to populate local-language text to that table for any language you have set up in EGL_LANGUAGES. Eagle ships ENTITY_ML and ENTITY_ML_HIST, containing the field ENTITY_NAME, as a "starter". Your database administrator may add any other text field normally found in ENTITY and ENTITY_HIST to their "_ML" companion tables and upload local-language text. The data type is nvarchar in SQL Server or nvarchar2 in Oracle. Table Supporting Four Languages displays an example of ENTITY_ML with ENTITY_NAME loaded in four languages for one entity.
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You can load security text fields the same as you load entity text fields. Eagle ships SECURITY_MASTER_ML and SECURITY_MASTER_ML_HIST, having key field L_ID, and includes field ISSUE_NAME. You can add and load other security fields using the same logic as for entity tables. Security Analytics tables, which do not have companion history tables, are not supported for local language text in V11.0. SECURITY_MASTER_ML Example shows an example of SECURITY_MASTER_ML. Anchor
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In the PACE_MASTER database, you can load table EGL_GENERIC_XLATION_ML with local-language text contained in your meta data and code values of Entity and Security fields. You may want to localize this text, since it appears on reports in items such as column headings and group names. To enter this data, use the Eagle Translation Center tool.
Example of Table with Issue Name Field Attribute shows an example of rows of this table loaded with the name of a field attribute, "Issue Name". Anchor
Example of Table with Code Values shows the same table loaded with code values for an industry, "Advertising", and an investment type, "Common Stock".