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Master/Original Transaction Number Logic

Single Mode Load

Values in the incoming file

Values loaded to DB

Both values are not set or missing

originalTransactionNumber is NULL
masterTransactionNum is NULL

You will get the following error:

Original Transaction Number cannot be null

Only original transaction number set

originalTransactionNumber = FILLED
masterTransactionNum is NULL

-  masterTransactionNum copies the originalTransactionNumber value:

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 - if you send the same message again, the values will remain the same (as from the file):

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- change originalTransactionNumber value to FILLED_B, once again masterTransactionNum copies this value and a new record will be created:

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Both values are set:

originalTransactionNumber = FILLED_C
masterTransactionNum = FILLED_D

- first load: values from file loaded into DB:

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- if you change originalTransactionNumber to FILLED_Е, the record will be updated updated with the new originalTransactionNumber value:

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- if you change masterTransactionNum to FILLED_F, the record will be updated with the new masterTransactionNum value:

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- if you change both: originalTransactionNumber to  FILLED_G and masterTransactionNum to  FILLED_H, a new record will be created:

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Batch Mode Load

If no masterTransactionNum value is provided in the file for load, masterTransactionNum value will reflect the originalTransactionNumber value from the record:
