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WRITERS NOTE: per 9.1 there is a panel named Trigger Mil Rate/Yield Update for Multi Class under distribution activity


it is not in the new UI

When you submit net investment income (NII) adjustments. , the system allocates the NII distribution adjustments posted to the Total Fund share class. In the Trigger Run Fund Level Mil Rate /Yield Update for Multi Class Adj Allocation panel, the system can determine whether allocations changed since you submitted the net investment income (NII) adjustments. If the system determines that the class allocation changed, the system reallocates the adjustment and updates all mil rates and distribution yields accordingly. 

The system includes the functionality associated with the Trigger Run Fund Level Mil Rate /Yield Update for Multi Class Adj Allocation panel as part of the Transaction Close. 

To run fund level mil rate yield updates for multi classadjustment allocation:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click 


  1. Fund Accounting 


  1. Distributions > Distribution Adjustments > Run Fund Level Mil Rate Adj Allocation.
    You see the


  1. Run Fund Level Mil Rate Adj Allocation panel.
  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, select the name or unique identifier for the entity or composite you want to process.
    The Accounting Date field displays the current accounting date for the selected entity.
  3. Click Submit.