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In the Query Average Net Asset Calculation panel, you can review the average net assets amount for a defined period for a fund. When you use performance fees based on average net assets, you can use this panel to view the actual or estimated average net assets that the system calculated calculates for a defined period associated with performance fees. The calculated fee amounts you view are associated with fee rules in a Pending status. You can review, approve, and override these calculated performance fees before you post them to accounting. and then uses when it calculates performance fees.

You can view estimated average net assets in order to view average net assets for an entire performance period associated with a performance fee when there are dates in the performance period for which the system has not yet calculated total net assets. Accordingly, you can review average net assets calculated up to a five year period. Estimated average net assets use the last calculated net asset value for the remaining days in an average net asset period to calculate average net assets. For example, say you want to use average net assets from August 1 to August 31, but the system only calculated net assets are only calculated up to August 10. The procedure will stale stales the August 10 net asset value for dates August 11 through August 31 to calculate the average net asset value for the defined period.

To view the average net asset calculation: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions Expense > Performance Fees > Query Average Net Asset Calculation.
    You see the Query Average Net Asset Calculation panel.
  2. In the Entity ID or the Entity Name field, select the entity identifier or entity name of the fund for which you want to view Average Net Asset information.
    Otherwise, leave the fields blank to include all entities. You can select an entity The panel displays the corresponding entity value, along with the entity's primary accounting basis.
  3. In the Share Class field, select the entity's share class for which you want to view activity.
    Otherwise, you can leave the field blank.
  4. In the Begin Date and End Date fields, enter a date range for the Average Net Asset calculations that you want to review. 
  5. In the Estimated ANA list, select Yes if you want to view estimated Average Net Asset calculations. 
    Otherwise, use the default value of No. 
  6. Click Submit. 

WRITERS NOTE: START HERE. is state a valid verb here? what is purpose of panel? Is it doing a calculation or is it reading values off the table that were calculated and stored via the Transfer event? Can you run this prior to transfer panel or before you transfer or after, or use it to estimate the ANA for an extended period? 


to calculate average net assets for an entire performance period when there are dates in the performance period where total net assets have not yet been calculated.In 2nd paragraph, is "stale" what is really meant? 

Does this relate to the Rolling Avg Net Asset Calculation field = Estimates option you can select for a Current Period performance fee?SHOULD WE MENTION THE AVERAGE NET ASSETS REPORT HERE?