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titleSame questions for Held Cash Activity Source and Held Corporate Action Source filters.

This is also true for for Held Cash Activity Source. If Held Cash Activity Source is empty, then the Held Cash Activity SQL query will not be executed. If Held Cash Activity Source parameter is set (for example: heldcashsources = CASHTEST), then all cash activities with source = CASHTEST will be extracted.

Held Corporate Action Source is not used.


titleIf effectivedate is selected, I expect the extract to look at the holding for the effective date specified in this parameter and extract all securities held for this effective date and entity list specified. Is this the case?

Date filters without Held Mode:
There is no "EffectiveDate" field in the composite SMF table (SECURITY_MASTER). This means that the "EffectiveDate" filter will be ignored if you extract the SMF from the composite table. If you extract the SMF from the history table (historyonlyflag parameter is set to Y), the "EffectiveDate" filter will be used in the following way:

Code Block
SECMASTER_HISTORY.EFFECTIVE_DATE >= TO_DATE([effective date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')

This means that all SMF records from the history table with EFFECTIVE_DATE value greater than or equal to the effective date filter value will be extracted.
The "updatedate" filter can be used to extract SMF records from the composite or history tables in the following way:

Code Block
[Composite or History table].UPDATE_DATE >= TO_DATE([update date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')

This means that all SMF records from the composite or history table with the UPDATE_DATE value greater than or equal to the update date filter value will be extracted.

Date filters with Held Mode
Effective Date, which will be used as a restriction in the search for SMFs from Position and Cash Activity Sources, the value for Held mode is set by the following steps:

  • If parameter "ProcessCenter" is used (entityselectiontype=ProcessCenter, entityselectionvalue=[Process Center filter value]), then the value of "effectivedate" filter will be found from the RULESDBO.PROCESS_CENTER table, for example:

    Code Block
    select to_char(pc.curr_dt,'yyyy-mm-dd') EFFECTIVE_DATE
    where pc.process_center = [Process Center filter value]

    To use two Entity filters, the following parameters are available:

entityselectiontype / entityselectionvalue
entityselectiontype2 / entityselectionvalue2

  • If we want to use ProcessCenter and EntityList filters together, we can use following structure:

    Code Block

    Order of filters is not important. "entityselectiontype2" parameter can be used for both, ProcessCenter or EntityList as follows:

    • If the value of ProcessCenter parameter is incorrect, then the value of "effectivedate" filter will be set as null.
    • If ProcessCenter parameter is not used and "heldeffectivedate" filter value exists in RTR, then "heldeffectivedate" filter value will be used for filtering by EFFECTIVE_DATE field, for example:

      HOLDINGDBO.POSITION.EFFECTIVE_DATE = to_date([held effective date filter value],'yyyy-mm-dd') – for positions
      CASHDBO.CASH_ACTIVITY.ACCOUNTING_DATE >= to_date('2015-11-25','yyyy-mm-dd') – for cash activity

    • If ProcessCenter parameter is not used and "heldeffectivedate" filter value does not exist in RTR, then the value of "effectivedate" filter will be found as MAX of EFFECTIVE_DATE in the POSITION table. Conditions used in this query are: Date filter for UpdateDate, HeldPositionSource, and Entitylist.


titlePlease give some details on how these filters interact. For example, if only FROMeffective date is selected, what is the TO effective date default?
"effectivedate", "fromeffectivedate" and "toeffectivedate" filters are available only for SMF history extract and not available in Held Mode as follows:
  • If we set only "effectivedate" filter value, then following SQL restriction will be added:

    Code Block
    SECMASTER_HISTORY.EFFECTIVE_DATE = TO_DATE([effective date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')

  • If we set only "fromeffectivedate" filter value, then following SQL restriction will be added:

    Code Block
    SECMASTER_HISTORY.EFFECTIVE_DATE >= TO_DATE([from effective date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')

  • If we set only "toeffectivedate" filter value, then following SQL restriction will be added:

    Code Block
    SECMASTER_HISTORY.EFFECTIVE_DATE <= TO_DATE([to effective date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')

  • If we set "fromeffectivedate" and "toeffectivedate" filter values, then  following SQL restriction will be added:

    Code Block
    SECMASTER_HISTORY.EFFECTIVE_DATE >= TO_DATE([from effective date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')


    Code Block
    SECMASTER_HISTORY.EFFECTIVE_DATE <= TO_DATE([to effective date filter value], 'YYYY-MM-DD')


titleIf EffectiveDate is set to the current day, a full extract is returned. If there are no holdings as of a specific date, will we see an error?
This was a problem in the EagleML code, we have fixed it. It works correctly if we use the HeldEffectiveDate parameter instead of EffectiveDate in the Date filter. EffectiveDate in the Date filter is not used in the Held mode. However, current version of I2I doesn't support error descriptions in the final TSR, it shows only Status (SUCCESS, ERROR, NO_DATA). We are working on it right now and in one of the following EagleML updates, we will add this new feature.featur

titleIf Sourcename is set to a fake source (for example, FAKESOURCE) a full file is returned. Will we see an error? For reference, P2P gives the following error: "Level:1, SQL Call Failed. Check Stored Procedure or SQL Statement that caused the error[SERVERERROR] ORA-20002: Invalid Position Source FAKESRC".
Yes, this was a problem and we have fixed it.
