Versions Compared


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Initially released to IWS Test on 20170125


Added Prefix Flexiblity to AddNameSpaceToSource
The function AddNameSpaceToSource was enhanced to allow you to add only an attribute into the xsl:transform node without having to include a prefix to each node from the XSLT mapping. For this feature, a new row into XSLT General Params with values "true" and "false" was added. This allows you the option to enable and disable prefix of the namespace. This issue was tracked as Item #148752.
Production Bugs 

Software Fixes

RaiseException Export Issues
In some cases, the reason node generated by RaiseException object was always added to the first transaction node of EagleML translator output. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Regular MC editcheck/warning/status objects are generated for such cases in output rule file.This issue was tracked as Item #148648.
