Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This object is used for a constant you want to reference.
Properties:  Name     

  • Name
  • Defaults to const



EditCheck is designed to check the validity of certain data in an input message. To do so, add an EditCheck element to your working area and specify an appropriate check expression and an error message in the "Properties" tab or double click the corresponding properties in the EditCheck box as shown in the figure below.


Receive E-mail allows you  to to get an E-mail. Its "Settings" button is for specifying parameters: 


  • POP3SERVER. IP address or host name of the POP3 mail server.
  • POP3PORT. Port of the POP3 mail server.
  • SMTPSERVER. IP address or host name of the SMTP mail server.
  • SMTPPORT. Port of the SMTP mail server.
  • USERNAME. User ID used to log into the mail server.
  • ENCRYPTED. A value of 1 indicates the password is Eagle encrypted.
  • PASSWORD. The password to be used to log into the mail server. It can be clear text or encrypted text based on the value of the ENCRYPTED parameter. This is typically an expression.
  • FROM. Contains the string value which is considered the sender address.
  • FROMSELECTION. Filter to the FROM parameter. Possible values are:
    1. Exact. Only letters are received where the From string equals the value defined in the FROM parameter.
    2. Starts with. Only letters are received where the From string starts with the value defined in the FROM parameter.
    3. Contains. Only letters are received where the From string contains the value defined in the FROM parameter.
    4. None. The value in the FROM parameter is ignored.
  • SUBJECT. Contains the string value which is rated as the Subject of mail received.
  • SUBJECTSELECTION. Filter to the SUBJECT parameter. The list of possible values is the same as in the FROMSELECTION parameter: Exact, Starts with, Contains, and None. 
  • DELETE ON READ. If ticked, will delete E-mail messages from the server after getting them. 
  • TIMEOUT. Timeout (in seconds) for receiving the E-mails. 
  • RETRY INTERVAL. The number of seconds to wait before retrying in case of failure. 
  • OPTIONS. Various options. 


This shape displays a warning if its value has evaluated to True and the condition to run the Warning has evaluated to True as well.

Example of Use:
You can find a warning row that checks the length of the value of tag 10 in the figure below. It will show a warning if this length exceeds 15 symbols. This particular Warning will always be checking the length of :tag10:, because its condition is set to '1' – always True.



Possible Values and their Description


0 (Success)
-1 (Connection/initialization error)
-2 (Send error)
-3 (Receive timeout)
-4 (Reply read error)


If name_STATUS_CODE is not 0, this variable will contain a channel specific status code


Contains the status message

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