You see the Create a new model popup.
8. Important Note: Make Make sure the business key fields are unchecked on this step (see . To review the list of available business keys on this page); otherwisekeys, see the Database Keys for EagleML Objects page in the EagleML wiki http://eagle.helpdocsonline.com/database-keys-for-eagleml-objects. ??NG EagleML reference. Otherwise, you will not be able to perform your extract via default EagleML extract streams properly.
For this particular example extension EFFECTIVE_DATE DATE, ENTITY_ID, and SRC_INTFC_INST should be removed.
9. Uncheck any other fields that you do not want to add to the extension.
10. Enter a new name for the model in the Model Name field.In this example, the model name is ESTAR.TEMP_NAV_EXT.