Booking STIF Trades
Eagle Accounting allows you to process transactions to buy and sell a STIF security. You can use the Open and Close debt trade panels to process transactions for a security with a STIF (DBSTST) processing security type. Or you can use the Open and Close equity/mutual fund trade panels to process transactions for a security with a Mutual Fund (EQEQMF) processing security type. To cancel these manually entered STIF transactions, you can use the Cancel Trade panel.
Closing STIF Positions Related to Cash Sweeps
You can fully close existing positions held as Cash Sweep instruments in cases where you change or delete your cash sweep vehicle. This applies to positions created as a result of both entity-level and cash account-level cash sweeps. If you set up cash sweeps at the entity level, you can change the sweep security for an entity; close the old sweep security using the Book Trade tool, then run a cash sweep into the new sweep asset. If you set up cash sweeps at the cash account level, you can change the sweep security for a cash account; close the old sweep security using Book Trade workspace, then run a cash sweep into the new sweep asset.
You can also partially close existing positions held as Cash Sweep instruments for both entity-level and cash account-level positions, and then sweep additional cash in to and out of the position.