You can waive an expense whenever you set up a variable expense. At a minimum, you can specify an expense limit/cap, a waiver expiration date, and a waiver account when you create a variable expense. You can choose a percentage of a variable expense for the system to waive during the accrual process rather than accruing the full amount and reimbursing the fund if expenses over accrue during the accrual period. You can set up a waiver to allow for the sytsem to waive up to 100% of the associated variable expense.
In some instances, an expense waiver uses its own net asset tier to calculate the amount of variable expense to waive. To accommodate those instances, you can create waiver tiers. Then, when you set up a variable expense, you can select a net asset tier rule specifically for waivers. If When you link an expense waiver is linked to a net asset tier rule, the system calculates the waiver using the net asset and basis points tier of the rule. The system processes waiver tiers like it processes normal expense waivers and processes them with expenses.
In additionEagle's investment accounting solution, you can set up a waiver to allow for 100% of the associated variable expense to be waived. BASIC OR SPECIAL? HOW?create waivers to manage simple waiver processing scenarios. Alternately, you can use special waivers to process more complex waivers.