Anchor |
| ExtractNamePattern |
| ExtractNamePattern |
| ExtractNamePattern
| ENTITYDATA | Custom name pattern for the output file. Result file name will be “correlation ID_ExtractNamePattern value_records count_current date”. |
Anchor |
| ExtractNamePatternEx |
| ExtractNamePatternEx |
| ExtractNamePatternEx
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Custom name pattern for the output file. Please use the corresponding feedtype as prefix for the parameter name. Result file name will be “tst_SMFEXTRACT_my.xml” for an SMF extract. List of valid expressions: - @CorrelationID replaced by initial CorrID
- @DateTimeStamp – date-time stamp in format YYYYMMDDHHMISS
- @DateStamp – date stamp in format YYYYMMDD
- @RecordCount – count of extracted records
- @EntityList – passed entity list filter
- @EntityID – passed entity id filter
- @FeedType – passed feed type
- @entityselectiontype – passed value of “entityselectiontype” task parameter
- @entityselectiontype2 – passed value of “entityselectiontype2” task parameter
- @entityselectionvalue – passed value of “entityselectionvalue” task parameter
- @entityselectionvalue2 – passed value of “entityselectionvalue2” task parameter
Info |
| This parameter is different from 'FeedType_ExtractNamePatternEx' for Generic Extract workflow, despite a similar name. Please use ExtractNamePatternEx only with common extracts, FeedType_ExtractNamePatternEx only with Generic Extract. |
Anchor |
| ExactExtractFileName |
| ExactExtractFileName |
| ExactExtractFileName
| CUSTOMEXACTNAME | Customizes the exact name for the output file. The name will be exact, it will not contain the ID and other info. |
T_StreamName | eagle_default_in_csv | If this parameter is present in the CM, the data received in step (eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q) will be sent to the specified stream. Default value is eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_t. |
Anchor |
| StreamingT_StreamName |
| StreamingT_StreamName |
| StreamingT_StreamName | eagle_ml-2-0_my_custom_streaming_t | Forces using a custom streaming_t stream after the q-step. Default value is eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_streaming_t
Info |
| This parameter is valid only for objects which already support streaming extracts |
Anchor |
| QueryProfileName |
| QueryProfileName |
| QueryProfileName |
| Enables Element Reduction feature. See more details here |
Compress | N, Y, ZIP, GZIP, B64, GZIP+B64 | Enables/Disables compression. Has a global equivalent - DEFAULT_EAGLEML_EXTRACT_COMPRESS N - no compression Y – Default method – ZIP ZIP - file extension will be .zip GZIP - file extension will be .gz B64 - B64 compression - file extension will be .b64 GZIP + B64 - GZIP and B64 compression - file extension will be .gz.b64
Info |
| Please note, that for ExtractDeliveryMethod = JMS your extract will be compressed using GZIP+B64 by default (if you specify Compress = Y). |
Anchor |
| COMPRESS_WITH_CORR_ID | Y or N | If the value of flag is ‘Y’ then result extract file will be compressed to zip (box with Windows OS) or gz (box with Unix OS) archive AND the both the zip file name and the files within the zip gets created with the correlation ID within the name. If value set to ‘N’ then zip file name and the files within the zip will not contain the correlation ID within the name. |
Anchor |
| XSDValidation |
| XSDValidation |
| XSDValidation
| Y or N | If the value is set to ‘Y’ and OutputFormat is not TagValue, XML Schema validation will be performed for outgoing file. Results are shown in T-Stream status messages and Task Status Response messages. If the value is set to ‘N’, feature will be disabled. Otherwise, g_bXSDValidation flag value (1 or 0) is used from ‘’ configuration file. |
SaveSQLQuery | Y or N (default)
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Setting to Y enables saving query files in the cmw_staging_folder |
Anchor |
| RemoveTaskFiles |
| RemoveTaskFiles |
| RemoveTaskFiles | Y (default) or N
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| This parameter toggles deletion of TSR and extract files. When set to Y, there will be no files left in the cmw folders after the extract. |
Anchor |
| DoNotPublishOnError |
| DoNotPublishOnError |
| DoNotPublishOnError
| Y (default) or N | If XML Schema validation was performed with errors (see XSDValidation parameter) and value is set to ‘N’, forces publish of output file via FTP, SFTP, EMAIL, etc. if specified. |
sorting | SECURITY_ALIAS,UPDATE_SOURCE,ASC | If this parameter is present in the CM, the sorting will be performed by the specified fields in the descending order of priority. The last part of the parameter (the part after the last comma) determines the sort direction (if the value will be empty, the sort direction is taken by default – in ascending order). Allowable separators: commas, pipes, spaces. Format of input parameters: FIELD_1,FIELD_2,...,FIELD_N,SORT_DIRECTION FIELD_1|FIELD_2|...|FIELD_N|SORT_DIRECTION FIELD_1 FIELD_2 ... FIELD_N SORT_DIRECTION FIELD_1,FIELD_2,...,FIELD_N |
CustomWhere |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
<value>securitydbo.security_master.security_alias ='15' and rownum < 10</value>
</taskParameter> |
| This parameter is usually regarded as a filter. See more details about using CustomWhere on this page
Anchor |
| SkipGUNZIPOnSaveFile |
| SkipGUNZIPOnSaveFile |
| SkipGUNZIPOnSaveFile | Y or N (default) | Set to Y to skip the GUNZIP runpreprocessor when saving file. As a result, the file will remain archived. |
Anchor |
| RemoveEntityDuplicates |
| RemoveEntityDuplicates |
| RemoveEntityDuplicates | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Enables/disables extraction of duplicate entities for entityselectiontype = ENTITYID filter. You do not get duplicate entities if set to 'Y'. |
Anchor |
| UseAllAcctBasis |
| UseAllAcctBasis |
| UseAllAcctBasis | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Can be used for EntityAccountingBasis extract only. Defines, whether to extract only Primary Accounting Basis (this is default behavior, for UseAllAcctBasis = N) or all Accounting Basis. |
Anchor |
| ForceExtractFileCreation |
| ForceExtractFileCreation |
| ForceExtractFileCreation | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Generates an empty extraction file in case you get NO_DATA. Has a global alternative - W_FORCE_EMPTY_EXTRACTFILE |
Anchor |
| CustomExtractLocation |
| CustomExtractLocation |
| CustomExtractLocation | folder path Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Defines a custom folder into which the extract is loaded. Folder path should be either relative or absolute starting with the Message Center root directory. |
IncludeBusinessTaskId |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| By default, its value is Y (which means that <businessTaskId> is present in all extracts by default). This RTR parameter, which was specified in Control Message or passed through Generic Extract Workflow, overrides W_ADD_BUSINESSTASKID_EXTRACTS variable from |
Anchor |
| SetNoLoadValidationFlagValue |
| SetNoLoadValidationFlagValue |
| SetNoLoadValidationFlagValue |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Adds the noLoadValidationFlag to the extract and gives it a specific value. For the example given the extracted element would look like this: Code Block |
| <noLoadValidationFlag>Y</noLoadValidationFlag> |
Can be especially useful for I2I workflows or some cases of Cash Currency type securities loads. |
Anchor |
| ExecutionMonitoringTimeout |
| ExecutionMonitoringTimeout |
| ExecutionMonitoringTimeout |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Sets maximum status check timeout for monitoring. Global variant: W_EXECUTION_MONITORING_TIMEOUT |
Anchor |
| ExecutionMonitoringPeriod |
| ExecutionMonitoringPeriod |
| ExecutionMonitoringPeriod |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Sets time interval between status checks. Global variant: W_EXECUTION_MONITORING_PERIOD |
Anchor |
| MicroBatchKeyRecordCount |
| MicroBatchKeyRecordCount |
| MicroBatchKeyRecordCount |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Sets the amount of records per batch. Info |
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are complex objects with repeating models and complex queries for these objects, sometimes for one logical record DB returns several rows and then these rows are grouped on the transform step. For example: Generic Entity Extract can have entityDetail models. If an Entity has 3 EntityDetail models, 3 records will be returned from database. If you specify MicroBatchKeyRecordCount = 2, it doesn’t mean that only two rows will be processed for each file, it means that each file will contain max TWO logical records like GenericEntity, User, GenericSMF etc. which can represent more than 2 rows from database. |
Global version: W W_MICRO_BATCH_KEY_RECORD_COUNT Expand |
title | Click to read about the older version of this parameter: |
| Older version is RecordCountPerNugget. It is still supported for backward compatibility, but has a lower priority. Same goes for the global parameter, W_MICRO_BATCH_KEY_RECORD_COUNT has higher priority than W_RECORD_COUNT_PER_NUGGET. |
Anchor |
| MicroBatchSplitKey |
| MicroBatchSplitKey |
| MicroBatchSplitKey |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| A logical key used to split the message into microbatches. To make it more complex, you can specify several comma-separated fields. Info |
You can specify only values that match column names from the SQL query. Before using this parameter please make sure that you know correct column names, because in some cases this names have specific prefixes. If such value is not found, it will be excluded with a WARNING message for eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q stream. |
Warning |
Please take into account, that this logic will slow down the transformation process. More chunks - bigger delay (this is a hyperbolic dependency). You can expect no significant delay when you make up to 300 chunks, but please avoid splitting BIG files into tiny chunks with 1-2 records and creating thousands of files: such process will work very slow. |
Customizing Extraction of Common Models |
Anchor |
| ExcludeSecurityAlias |
| ExcludeSecurityAlias |
| ExcludeSecurityAlias | Y, empty (default) | Disables extraction of security alias in the Asset Identifiers model. Available as a global parameter EXCLUDE_SECURITY_ALIAS. Can be overriden for Warehouse objects by W_INCLUDE_SECALIAS_FORWHS global parameter. |
Anchor |
| IncludeAssetProperties |
| IncludeAssetProperties |
| IncludeAssetProperties | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Setting this parameter to Y enables extracting Asset Properties model. Please refer to the corresponding data map table of the EagleML object to understand if it contains this model. Available as a global parameter W_INCLUDE_ASSET_PROPERTIES. |
Anchor |
| IncludeEntityInfo |
| IncludeEntityInfo |
| IncludeEntityInfo | ALL, Y, N (default) | A setting for extracts with Entity fields (such as Entity Id, Name, Xref etc). N: The following fileds are extracted: Entity Id, Entity Name, Entity Type, Xref Account Id, Xref Account Id Type, Xref Class Code Y: These fields are extracted along with ones above: Long Entity Name, Legal Entity Name, Total Count Share Class, Partition Number ALL: Physical Partition fields are extracted along with all fields above: PPTRADES, PPHOLDING, PPCASH, PPPERFORM, PPLEDGER See a more detailed description of these fields. Available as a global parameter W_INCLUDE_ENTITY_INFO. |
Anchor |
| IncludeExtendedDetails |
| IncludeExtendedDetails |
| IncludeExtendedDetails | N (default), Y, ALL Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| When set to Y, provides a more detailed extraction:
Info |
| Currently available only for the following feedtypes:- WRHSCLOSELOTEXTRACT
When set to ALL, Entity Properties model is fully extracted --- For Warehouse Trade, Traded Cash Activity and Settled Cash Activity setting IncludeExtendedDetails to Y or ALL enables extraction of 3 additional elements: calcTransactionId, calcMasterTransactionId, calcCancelTransactionId |
Anchor |
| IncludeCommonTransactionsInfo |
| IncludeCommonTransactionsInfo |
| IncludeCommonTransactionsInfo | Y, N (default). Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Adds a commonTransactionsInformation model with values of dates you have used in your Date filter (please note, that not all date filters are supported by your specific feedtype, refer to this table). Has a global parameter alternative - W_INCLUDE_COMMON_TRANSACTIONS_INFO |
Anchor |
| UseNumerationForXrefs |
| UseNumerationForXrefs |
| UseNumerationForXrefs |
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Adds numeration for security and entity xrefs. Entity xrefs example: Code Block |
| <entityXrefs>
</entityXrefs> |
Has a global variant W_USE_NUMERATION_FOR_XREFS |
Feedtype-Specific Parameters |
excludezero | Y (default), N Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| By default, elements with zero numeric values are removed from the extract for Warehouse objects. Setting to N lets you skip this logic. Note: this parameter was introduced in June 2016 EagleML Release. |
Anchor |
| TakeBaseCurrencyFromWRHSPosDet |
| TakeBaseCurrencyFromWRHSPosDet |
| TakeBaseCurrencyFromWRHSPosDet | Y, N (default)
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| A parameter exclusively for Warehouse Position extracts. Forces taking the value for baseCurrency from HOLDINGDBO.POSITION_DETAIL.BASE_CURRENCY instead of HOLDINGDBO.POSITION.BASE_CURRENCY field. You can also set it as global. Available as a global parameter W_TAKE_BASE_CURRENCY_FROM_WRHS_POS_DET. |
GroupBy | comma-separated list of DB fields in DB_TABLE.DB_FIELD format Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Works with WRHSOPENLOTBROKERROLLUPEXTRACT. Represents the GROUP BY SQL statement. See an example of RTR with this parameter. |
Anchor |
| includeZeroPositions |
| includeZeroPositions |
| includeZeroPositions | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Works with Warehouse Open Lot and Position objects only. When this flag is set to Y, an additional record can be returned for zero position. For example: We have back a traded sell for 8\16 then S2P happened and some records were deleted from position table and after all we have the following picture: Since 8\17 to 10\7 we still have two records for each effective_date where records with Security_alias = 999497938 have 0 shares. Note: Additional records are returned only if they exist in the following table: Code Block |
and SPD_DELTA_LOG.ENTITY_ID in ('KMIC_5_1','') |
And the record with 0 share has the max effective date for the (EntityId+SourceName+Effectivedate+SecurityAlias) |
Anchor |
| includeShareholderActivity |
| includeShareholderActivity |
| includeShareholderActivity | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Adds the Shareholder Activity model to the extract. Available for SUBSCRIBEREEDEMEXTRACT and WRHSNAVMONTHENDEXTRACT feedtypes. |
Anchor |
| includeEntityShareClass |
| includeEntityShareClass |
| includeEntityShareClass | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Toggle Entity Share Class details in the extract. Available for: - SUBSCRIBEREEDEMEXTRACT
Anchor |
| UseFundsOfFunds |
| UseFundsOfFunds |
| UseFundsOfFunds | Y, N (default)
Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Setting to Y enables Security information extraction for WRHSNAVMONTHENDEXTRACT |
Anchor |
| includeReportDetails |
| includeReportDetails |
| includeReportDetails | N (default), Y | If set to Y, the following fields are added to the extract and <navReportDetails> complex node is added to XSD: Prior NAV (NAV for the previous Valuation Date), Mkt Value Cash (elements from the Position Detail table in case Base Currency = Local Currency or sum of elements in case Base Currency != Local Currency), Share Class Level (elements of ARCH_CTRLCTR.NAV_DETAILS table linked with main table via Valuation Date, Entity Id, Share Class), Total Fund Level (elements of ARCH_CTRLCTR.NAV_DETAILS сtable linked with main table via Valuation Date, Entity Id for Share Class = 'TF') - WRHSNAVMULTIEXTRACT
This parameter overrides W_INCLUDE_REPORT_DETAILS parameter from |
Anchor |
| includeCustomReportDetails |
| includeCustomReportDetails |
| includeCustomReportDetails | N (default), Y | If set to Y, the following fields are added to the extract inside the <navReportDetails> complex node. Share Class Level (elements of ARCH_CTRLCTR.NAV_DETAILS table linked with main table via Valuation Date, Entity Id, Share Class), Total Fund Level (elements of ARCH_CTRLCTR.NAV_DETAILS сtable linked with main table via Valuation Date, Entity Id for Share Class = 'TF')This parameter overrides W_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_REPORT_DETAILS parameter from |
Anchor |
| EnableSignageLogic |
| EnableSignageLogic |
| EnableSignageLogic | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Flips the signage for fields that may be extracted with an incorrect sign. Available for Warehouse Trade, Traded Cash Activity and Settled Cash Activity extracts. |
Anchor |
| IncludeCurveAnalytics |
| IncludeCurveAnalytics |
| IncludeCurveAnalytics | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Setting to Y - extends Warehouse Position extract to use HOLDINGDBO.POSITION_PLEDGE_DETAIL table - extends Warehouse Performance extract to use PERFORMDBO.PSR_CURVE_ANALYTICS table |
Anchor |
| IncludeAverageNetAssets |
| IncludeAverageNetAssets |
| IncludeAverageNetAssets | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Toggle extraction of average net assets extensions from the ESTAR.AVERAGE_NET_ASSETS TABLE. Works only with WRHSNAVMULTIEXTRACT. |
Anchor |
| IncludePortfolioValuation |
| IncludePortfolioValuation |
| IncludePortfolioValuation | ALL, Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| Adds the Extended Portfolio Valuation model to your Warehouse Open Lot or Position extract. Y - partial extraction (fields before the delimiter on the data map table) ALL - extracts all fields |
Anchor |
| IncludeWashSales |
| IncludeWashSales |
| IncludeWashSales | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| When set to Y, adds Wash Sale Trade Model to Warehouse Open Lot extract. Works only with WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT |
Anchor |
| IncludeAccrualRate |
| IncludeAccrualRate |
| IncludeAccrualRate | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| When set to Y, the extract joins gto estar income table to get the latest coupon rate. Works only with WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT |
Anchor |
| IncludeSubscribeReedemCalcFields |
| IncludeSubscribeReedemCalcFields |
| IncludeSubscribeReedemCalcFields | Y, N (default) Code Block |
| <taskParameter>
</taskParameter> |
| When set to Y, additional calculated fields are added to your Subscribe Redeem extract |
Anchor |
| linkedassetonlydelta |
| linkedassetonlydelta |
| linkedassetonlydelta | Y, N (default) | If this parameter is set to Y, then whenever we do a delta based dictionary extract, we should only look at SECURITY_DICTIONARY_LINK.SECURITY_DATE to determine the linked assets (and their corresponding dict detail) records to extract. There is no need to check dict detail update_date for delta based dictionary extracts in the selection criteria if that flag is set to Y. Available as a global parameter for W_LINKED_ASSET_ONLY_DELTA |
Anchor |
| ExcludeTradeCash |
| ExcludeTradeCash |
| ExcludeTradeCash | Y, N | When set to Y, excludes Trade related cash activity (identified by records with CASH_EVNT_SPAWNED = Y) from the Traded Cash Activity Extract. |
Anchor |
| IncludeDailyYieldMillRate |
| IncludeDailyYieldMillRate |
| IncludeDailyYieldMillRate | Y, N (default) | When set to Y, enables extraction of DailyYieldMillRate model for Distribution Activity extract. |
Anchor |
| IncludeExtractStats |
| IncludeExtractStats |
| IncludeExtractStats | Y, N (default) | Setting to Y adds extractStats model to the TSR for the extracts. Currently supported for the following interfaces: Schedule, GenericSMF, WarehouseCashActivity, WarehouseCashFlowProjection, WarehouseCloseLot, CustodyRestrictionActivity, CustodyRestrictionBalance, WarehouseDisclosureStatus, WarehouseGLBalances, WarehouseNAVMonthEnd, WarehouseNAVMulti, WarehouseNAV, WarehouseOpenLot, WarehousePendingTrade, WarehousePerformance, WarehousePosition, WarehouseTrade, WarehouseWashSaleTrade |
Anchor |
| EnhanceCalcTransactionId |
| EnhanceCalcTransactionId |
| EnhanceCalcTransactionId | Y, N (default) |
Info |
Please note: - this parameter works only for Warehouse Trade extracts;
- it is available only on ORA environments;
- to extract calcTransactionId and calcCancelTransactionId you must have IncludeExtendedDetails=ALL or Y set in the CM
Adds starTag26 element and changes the way calcTransactionId and calcCancelTransactionId are resolved, adding tag26 into their structure: Expand |
title | Click to expand an example: |
| ... <starTag26>ESP1227</starTag26> <tradeCurrency>USD</tradeCurrency> <priceMethod>M</priceMethod> <calcTransactionId>USTAX#ESP1227#682409657#L#P8LATA98PPVOI3KB#ESP1227#2#C</calcTransactionId> <calcMasterTransactionId>P8LATA98PPVOI3KB</calcMasterTransactionId> <calcCancelTransactionId>USTAX#ESP1227#682409657#L#P8LATA98PPVOI3KB#ESP1227#2</calcCancelTransactionId> ... |