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Command «config» is used for making manipulations with configs. Syntax of this command differs with action type. General command syntax is:

Code Block


exe config action=<clone_shared_instance|get_app_instances_info|get_shared_instances_info|get_starengine_info|set_service_creds|show_ports|get_insurance_binds_option_enabled|set_insurance_binds_option_enabled> [other args]

Based on action type here is list of action detailed description with examples:

  1. action=clone_shared_instance

This is action, that creates new shared instance based on existing. Here is syntax of command with this action type:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=clone_shared_instance --from=<cloned instance> --to=<new instance> --baseport=<base port> --remote_ip_pri=<some ip> --remote_ip_sec=<some ip> --remote_dupport_pri=<some port> --remote_dupport_sec=<some port>

Action has such parameter:

  • from – existing shared instance with will be cloned;
  • to – destination shared instance cloned from instance specified in parameter «from»;
  • baseport – base port for new instance;
  • remote_ip_pri – option in syncsend.ini;
  • remote_ip_sec – option in syncsend.ini;
  • remote_dupport_pri – option in syncsend.ini;
  • remote_dupport_sec – option in syncsend.ini.


Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=clone_shared_instance --from=sweb01 --to=sweb02 --baseport=21000 --remote_ip_pri= --remote_ip_sec= --remote_dupport_pri=5555 --remote_dupport_sec=5555
  1. action=get_app_instances_info

This is action, which shows info(host:base port) about each application tier. Here is syntax of command with this action type:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=get_app_instances_info [--emshell_host=<Thick EMShell host> --emshell_port=<Thick EMShell port>]

Action has such parameters:

  • emshell_host – host of thick EMShell can't be empty if emshell port has been specifed;
  • emshell_port – port of thick EMShell can't be empty if emshell host has been specified.

Example: Image Removed

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=get_app_instances_info --emshell_host= --emshell_port=20000

Image Added
Figure 4. Get app instances info example.


This is action, which shows if insurance binds option is enabled or disabled. Action has no additional parameters. Here is example and syntax:

Code Block


cmdmgr.exe config --action=get_insurance_binds_option_enabled

Image Added
Figure 5. Get insurance binds option enabled example.


This is action, which shows shared instances (name: base port) for specified side. Here is command syntax with this action type:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=get_shared_instances_info --emshell_host=<Thick EMShell host> --emshell_port=<Thick EMShell port>

Action has such parameters:

  • emshell_host – Host of thick emshell, this parameter cannot be empty
  • emshell_port – Port of thick emshell, this parameter cannot be empty

Example: Image Removed

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=get_shared_instances_info --emshell_host= --emshell_port=31050

Image Added
Figure 6. Get shared instances info example.


This is action, which shows info (name:port) about each STAR Engine. Action has no additional parameters. Here is example and syntax:

Code Block


cmdmgr.exe config --action=get_starengine_info

Image Added
Figure 7. Get star engine info example.


This is action, which enables or disables insurance binds option. Here is command syntax with this action type:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=set_insurance_binds_option_enabled enabled=<yes|no>

Action got only one parameter that cannot be empty:

  • enabled – enable or disable option.


Code Block


cmdmgr.exe config --action=set_insurance_binds_option_enabled enabled=yes

Image Added
Figure 8. Set insurance binds option enabled example.


This is action, which set credentials for services. Here is command syntax with this action type:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=set_service_creds --passfile=<Path to credentials file> [--servicename=<"Eagle service name">] [--account=<"domain\user">]

Action has such parameter:

  • passfile – path to file with password and user;
  • servicename – name for service. This is optional parameter and can be empty. By default credentials will be set for all eagle services;
  • account – user account. This is optional parameter and can be empty. Be default user and domain will be retrieved from current process/


Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=set_service_creds --passfile="passfile" --servicename=emshell_thick --account=domain\user
  1. action=show_ports

This is action which shows configured servers ports. Here is command syntax with this action type:

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=show_ports [--instance=shared_instance]

Action has only one optional parameter:

  • instance – shared instance name.

Example: Image Removed

Code Block
cmdmgr.exe config --action=show_ports

Image Added
Figure 10. Show ports example.