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In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can unmatch bank settlements and view settled cash activity when you use cash segregation.

About the Matched & Suspended Tab

The Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab allows you to view settled cash activity and to unmatch cash previously matched to bank settlements. It includes the following panes:

  • Search Details pane, where you enter search criteria
  • Bank settlements (Summary) and/or related STAR accounting settlements (Detail)
  • Position Details for selected STAR accounting settlements

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Anchorsearch for settled cash activitysearch for settled cash activitySearch for Settled Cash Activity

In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can search for cash settlements, and customize the search criteria and the search options. The results can show matched bank settlements and the corresponding STAR accounting settlements they matched. You can also view unmatched bank settlements and related STAR accounting settlements for transactions that were cancelled in STAR accounting and/or placed in suspense. 

To search for settlements:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Select the Matched & Suspended tab.
    You see STAR accounting settlements in the center grid.
  3. Click Search and select New SearchLast Search, or any saved search. Or, click the Search chevron Image Removed at the top of the tab to expand the Search Details pane.
    You see the Search Details pane. The Report Date Type field has a default value of Settlement Date.

  4. Specify the report date type, report date range, and accounting basis.
    By default you search based on settlement date for the current month for the CUST accounting basis.
  5. If you want to limit the search results to bank settlements within a range of original wire amount values, enter a value for the Bank Wire Amount From and Bank Wire Amount To fields. 
    You can specify one or both values.
  6. Click the Report Type field and indicate the type of results you want to view.
    Options include:
    –  All. Default. Includes both bank settlements (Summary) and related STAR accounting settlements (Detail).
    –  Detail. Includes only STAR accounting settlements.
    –  Summary. Includes only bank settlements.
  7. In the Cash Match Instance field, you can specify a value to limit the results to a specific cash match.
    The system uses the cash match instance to link together the incoming bank settlement with the resulting STAR cash settlement created in the accounting system.
  8. Click the Cancel field and indicate whether to include settlement transactions cancelled in STAR accounting.
    Options include:
    –  Exclude. Default. The results do not include cancelled settled transactions in STAR accounting.
    –  Include. The results include cancelled settled transactions in STAR accounting.
    –  Only. The results include only cancelled settled transactions in STAR accounting.
  9. Click the Cash Suspense field and indicate whether to include bank settlements associated with suspense activity in STAR accounting.
    Options include:
    –  Exclude. Default. The results do not include settled transactions in suspense in STAR accounting.
    –  Include. The results include settled transactions in suspense in STAR accounting.
    –  Only. The results include only settled transactions in suspense in STAR accounting.
  10. In the Xref Type field and Xref ID field, you can identify a specific cross reference security type and cross reference security identifier to filter the results by security.
    By default the cross reference security type is CMM.
  11. Click the Search button in the Search Detail pane.
    You see the search results based on the criteria you selected. If you selected a report type of All or Summary, you see a list of matched bank settlements. If you selected a report type of Detail, you see a list of STAR settlements.
  12. If you selected a report type of Summary, you can click the arrow to the left of each bank settlement row to expand or collapse that row. When you expand the Summary row for a bank settlement, you see the Detail rows of STAR accounting settlements related to that bank settlement. Each Summary level bank settlement row can include multiple STAR accounting settlement rows that share the same or different entities.

    You can manage how data displays for bank settlements and STAR accounting settlements using the options in the Grid tab. For example, you can use the Group by option to group bank settlements by security and transaction code.

You can unmatch or research the bank settlements and/or STAR settlements in the search results.

Anchorunmatch bank settlementsunmatch bank settlementsUnmatch Bank Settlements

In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can unmatch bank settlements. Unmatching a bank settlement reverses an automated or manual match. Unmatching a bank settlement returns the matched or partially matched bank settlement to an unmatched status, returns the matched receivables/payables to an open status, cancels the settled transactions in STAR accounting that were created as a result of the match, and reverses the ledger entries for the settlement in the non custody basis.

To unmatch a bank settlement:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Select the Matched & Suspended tab.
  3. Search for the bank settlements that you want to unmatch.
  4. Select the check box for each bank settlement you want to unmatch.
  5. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click Unmatch.
    The system unmatches the selected bank settlements. You no longer see them in the Matched/Suspense Records tab. The bank settlements have an unmatched status and are eligible for matching.
Anchorview smf details for settled cashview smf details for settled cashView SMF Details for Settled Cash

In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can view security master file (SMF) details for a bank settlement or a STAR accounting settlement. This can help you to research exceptions for cash that did not successfully match during processing.

To view security master file (SMF) details for settled cash:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Select the Matched & Suspended tab.
  3. Search for a bank settlement and/or STAR accounting settlement.
  4. Click the settlement.
  5. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click SMF Details.
    You see the Issue Viewer tool with query results for the security alias of the security associated with the row you selected.
Anchorview position details for settled cashview position details for settled cashView Position Details for Settled Cash

In the Cash Matching workspace's Matched & Suspended tab, you can view position details for a STAR accounting settlement. This can help you to research exceptions that you may need to unmatch, examine cancelled transactions or cash placed in suspense, or review other issues with cash settlements.

To view position details for a settled cash:

  • In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  • Select the Matched & Suspended tab.
  • Search for a STAR accounting settlement.
  • Click the STAR accounting settlement.
    You see information for the position related to the STAR accounting settlement in the Position Details pane at the bottom of the workspace. This pane includes tabs similar to the Position Viewer's Cash Object tabs.
  • If you cannot see all the tabs at once, you can: 
    - Click the arrow Down ArrowImage Removedat the left of the tabs to show a list of available tabs, and select the tab you want to view.
    - Click the arrows Right and Left ChevronsImage Removedat the right of the tabs to move forward or backwards through the tabs, and select the tab you want to view. 

    Perform Manual Cash Unmatching

    When you manually unmatch open receivables/payables from bank settlements, you usually perform the following tasks at a minimum: 

    1. Search for the settled cash activity you plan to unmatch or research.
    2. Select and unmatch the bank settlements.

    The rest of this section describes the tasks you can perform in the Matched & Suspended tab in detail. 

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