Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

There are four overlay several overlay files that are packaged as part of the EagleML monthly release. These overlay files contain information that is necessary for EagleML functionality.
The overlay files included are as follows:

  • eagle/estar/\tpe/\dynamic/\custdat/\eagle/star/reference/pan-addfactorca\star\account\pan-addentity-v7.custom.xml                           xml
  • eagle/estar/\tpe/\dynamic/\custdat/\eagle/\star/\account/\pan-addentity-v7_new.custom.xml                    eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/custdat/eagle/star/xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\account\pan-chgentity.custom.xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\admin\pan-adduser.custom.xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\admin\pan-chguser.custom.xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\pan-addsecmasterswircontr1-new-edit.custom.xml        eagle/estar/tpe/dynamic/custdat/eagle/star/reference/pan-addsecmastermultilegswap.custom.xml  xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\reference\pan-addfactorca.custom.xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\reference\pan-addsecmastermultilegswap.custom.xml
  • estar\tpe\dynamic\custdat\eagle\star\reference\pan-ccodeval.custom.xml
While these files are included in each release, the actual content of these files does not change release to release

If you use any of these four files for additional overlay changes and are installing EagleML using the manual installation steps, you always need to manually reapply your versions of the file(s) after the install.
If you are installing EagleML using the Artifactory or automated install process, there is logic to help address this issue. Currently, the Artifactory or automated install process will treat the EagleML overlays as custom overlays provided you don't already have the file as a custom overlay.
If you are already using this as a custom overlay, the install process will compare the files and if there is a difference will preserve your custom overlay, rename the EagleML overlay to a .new extension and raise a warning so that you are alerted of the difference and can review and merge content if necessary.
