Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Support for Loading Data into a Partitions Other than the First Primary Partition for Warehouse NavMonthEnd and NavMulti
There was an issue with data
Data for the Warehouse NavMonthEnd and NavMulti feed types was previously being saved only to the first partition in the database due to logic pertaining to the partitions getting ignored in the rules. Warehouse NavMonthEnd and NavMulti interfaces need to support this partition logic.
Inbound warehouse  

The inbound Warehouse rules were changed to support the loading of data into partitions other than just the firstprimary partition.

Files changed:
- bind_wrhs_nav_me.xml

This issue was tracked as Item #158975.

Update the error message for when the Security Alias was is not found in the database with a list of security identifiers/types

The error message 'Security Alias was not found in the database' doesn't did not display a list of the security identifiers/types.

1. Added the list of security identifiers/types used for security resolution to the error message
2. Added mapping for the first pair of identifiers into Identifier1/identifier 2

Files changed:


Enable/Disable streams logic introduced.
It should be possible to enable/disable MC streams with an RTR.
New logic introduced that
An enhancement was introduced that allows disabling or enabling Message Center Streams with an RTR.Files changed:

This issue was tracked as Item #160096.


This issue was tracked as Item #160221.

Adjusted All Columns From Table SECURITY_EPS_EQUITY
It is implemented through the use of three parameters:

  • streamTitle
  • streamId
  • streamOperation

The streamTitle parameter should contain one or a list of Message Stream Titles that would be affected.






The streamId parameter should contain one or a list of Message Stream Id’s that would be affected.






The streamOperation is a required parameter.  It may have the values of enable or disable. 






A sample RTR:

<EagleML xsi:type="RunTaskRequest" eaglemlVersion="2-0" xsi:schemaLocation=" eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" eaglemlType="RunTaskRequest" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">





               <replyTo> Control Messages</replyTo>



























Files changed:

This issue was tracked as Item #160096.

Entity accounting periods close was added in core EagleML

Functionality that allows closing accounting periods for composite entities was added to EagleML.

The xml-ent_entityaccountingperiods_close.xml file was added to handle the issue. A reference to the xml-ent_entityaccountingperiods_close.xml file was added into the xml-ent_objects.rsf.

This issue was tracked as Item #160221.

Adjusted All Columns from the SECURITY_EPS_EQUITY Table 

EagleML XSD/xml-ref_genericissueanalytic.xml rule was using only two columns from the SECURITYDBO.SECURITY_EPS_EQUITY table.

All the other columns from this table were added to the logic in the xml-ref_genericissueanalytic.xml rule and the XSD schema was updated to reflect these changes.


There was a request to allow the generic load workflow to load files that come in at different times. Functionality was added that allows a profile to control incoming files and put them in a queue. Basically the The workflow waits until all files that are going to requeire require a load have been transformed and are in the designated location for the generic load to pick them up.


Added New Fields in Portfolio Valuation Model .and Support Retrieval of the Price Information from the Archive Tables

There was a request to add two fields to the Portfolio valuation modelthe Portfolio valuation model. The Original Source internal id number was added along with the Price Source Detail field.  The fields appear in the XSD as originalSourceInstance and sourceDetail.  The model is available in the WRHSOPENLOTEXTRACT and WRHSPOSITIONEXTRACT.

The archive table for the PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES source table was also added to this model.

Include for SQL generation and transform rules were changed:


Delete accounting trades positions via default workflow 'eagle_wrf_generic_delete'

Deleting accounting trade positions was only possible through a panel which required manual execution. Deleting positions would be much easier and quicker if the process could be automated.

The eagle_wrf_generic_delete workflow and the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_objects stream were enhanced with withthe  eagle_wrf_generic_delete_accounting_objects.wrf and the t_eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_delete_accobject.xml rule. This enhancement made it possible to delete trade positions via the generic delete workflow.


NG Upload Updated in Order to Use Bind

The NG upload was updated in order to use bind logic (faster productionimproved performance).

The NG upload was updated in order to use Eagle database binds. The core logic was not affected.


New rebook logic implemented for Accounting Trades (BUY/SELL).

New BUY/SELL logic for the accounting trade interface was added to EagleML.

The new logic is added relies on the W_ACCTTRADE_ALLOW_AUTOREBOOK flag. The default behavior is to avoid the rebook. To activate this logic the parameter must be set to a value of “Y”.


Ability to Send User Data From ACfrom Automaction Center/Scheduler to the Schedule Stream

User data which was defined in automation center for _schd (_restart) stream was being ignored.

Changed logic in the "workflow_restart.sch" and "workflow_restart.xml" rules to transfer and add user parameters from AC Automation Center into an RTR as task parameters.

This issue was tracked as Item #158928.

Added Parameter in Wthe w_config_custom include to Suppress Intermediate TSR

There were problems with too many TSRs being generated processing delays and failures when gnerating a high volume of TSRs during loads. 18 thousand records could generate 52 thousand TSRs.
A new parameter was added to reduce the number of TSRs generated by simply not creating intermediary TSRs and only sending the final TSR.The InternalTSRGeneration with values of “Y” and “N” can be added to the incoming file. generate 52 thousand TSRs.

A new parameter was added to reduce the number of TSRs generated by simply not creating intermediary TSRs and only sending the final TSR.

The InternalTSRGeneration parameter with values of “Y” and “N” may be added to the incoming file. If set to "Y", there will be one ACK and one TSR message in the local and FTP folders. A valud of "N" will maintain the default bahavior of many intermediate TSRs being generated.

Alternatively the W_INTERNAL_TSR_GENERATION variable in the file can may be used as well.


Files changed:
