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In the Cash Matching workspace's Manual Matching tab, you can settle cash as you match actual cash settlement records sent to the Eagle system from a bank, custodian, or third party to receivables and payables created in Eagle's Accounting solution. When you use cash segregation, you can perform manual cash matching for the bank settlements that remain unmatched after you match cash automatically. A manual match is also called a forced match.

Because manual cash matching helps you manage exceptions, the Manual Matching tab also provides you with information needed to research unmatched bank settlements and helps you to determine whether or not to force a match that exceeds any defined tolerances that apply to automated cash matching.

About the Manual Matching Tab

The Manual Matching tab includes the following panes:

  • Search Details pane
  • Open Receivables/Payables pane
  • Bank Settlements pane
  • Comments History, which lists notes for the selected bank settlement
  • Position Details for the selected open receivable/payable









In the Cash Matching workspace's Manual Matching tab, you can search for unmatched cash settlements that the system was unable to match during automated cash matching and customize the search criteria and the search options. The search results include unmatched or partially matched bank settlements and open receivables/payables in STAR accounting.

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The results can also include unmatched bank settlements associated with cash activity in suspense that was swept into accounting to a default portfolio because they were not successfully matched. You can also filter the results to view only invalid bank settlements, bank settlements created manually in Eagle's Accounting Center, or bank settlements received from an external source.

To search for unmatched bank cash:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Select the Manual Matching tab.
  3. Select the unmatched bank settlements you want to view. To do so, you can:  
    - Click Search, and then select New SearchLast Search, or any saved search.
    - Click the Chevron Image Removed to expand the Search Details pane. and complete the search criteria.
    You can search by default on settlement date date range, Primary Asset ID, Cash Event Type, Cash Category, Accounting Basis, Cash Account Number, Cash Currency, Base Currency, Invalid Bank Wires, Record Type, and Entity ID. You can click the Add Search Criteria icon to manage your choice of search criteria.
  4. In the Search Details pane, click the Search button.
    You see the search results based on the criteria you selected. You see open receivables/payables in the upper pane and bank settlements below them. For partially matched bank settlements, you can use the values in the Orig Value, Settle Amt S, and Net Amount Local columns to identify the original amount of the bank settlement, the amount previously settled, and the amount available for matching.
  5. In the open receivables/payables pane, you can click the arrow to the left of the row to expand and collapse it.
    Each top level open receivable/payable row can include multiple receivables/payables rolled up within an entity and across entities. All the receivables/payables within the row share the same cash account, security, date, and cash event (disbursement, receipt).
  6. You can manage how data displays for open receivables/payables and bank settlements using the options in the Grid tab.
    For example, you can use the Group by option to group open receivables/payables by security and transaction code.

After you search for and view unmatched cash, you can select open receivables/payables and bank settlements for matching, and then fully or partially match open receivables/payables and bank settlements. Or you can research the open receivables/payables and bank settlements that appear in the search results.


After you search for unmatched cash in the Cash Matching workspace's Manual Matching tab and view the search results, you can select open receivables/payables and unmatched bank settlements for matching. The order in which you select open receivables/payables and bank settlements is not important.

To select open receivables/payables and bank settlements to match:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. In the Manual Matching tab, search for unmatched cash to identify the open receivables/payables and bank settlements that you want to match.
  3. Select the check box for each open receivable/payable that you want to match.
  4. Select the check box for each bank settlement that you want to match.
    For partially matched bank settlements, you can use the values in the Orig Value, Settle Amt S, and Net Amount Local columns to identify the original amount of the bank settlement, the amount previously settled, and the amount available for matching.
  5. As you make your selections, review the Balance amount at the bottom of the Manual Matching tab.
    The Balance amount identifies any difference or remaining amount between the selected open receivables/payables and the selected bank settlements. If the balance is equal to zero, there is an exact match, and you can fully match the bank settlement and fully settle the open receivables/payables. If the Balance is not equal to zero, you can partially match the bank settlements or open receivables/payables. Or, you can write off the difference to cash breakage.
    If you are matching cash with an event type of Disbursement:
    –  Negative Balance amount indicates that the selected open receivable/payables are greater than the selected bank settlements.
    –  Positive Balance amount indicates that the selected open receivable/payables are less than the selected bank settlements.
    If you are matching cash with an event type of Receipt:
    –  Negative Balance amount indicates that the selected open receivable/payables are less than the selected bank settlements.
    –  Positive Balance amount indicates that the selected open receivable/payables are greater than the selected bank settlements.
  6. Continue to select and/or clear the check boxes for open receivables/payables and bank settlements until you are satisfied with the Balance amount.
    After you complete your selections, you can perform the match.


In the Cash Matching workspace's Manual Matching tab, you can manually match an open receivable/payable with a bank settlement for the same cash account and security. During manual cash matching, the system does not use any tolerances you defined for use in automated cash matching. You can fully or partially settle bank settlements and open receivables/payables.

To match open receivable/payables with bank settlements:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. In the Manual Matching tab, search for and select the open receivables/payables and bank settlements that you want to match.
  3. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click Match.
    You see the Match Records dialog box. In the upper pane, you see the selected open receivables/payables along with a total and a Remaining Receivable/Payable amount. The Remaining Receivable/Payable amount identifies the amount that remains open after you submit the match. In the lower pane, you see the selected bank settlements along with a total and Balance amount. This Balance amount shows the remaining amount that is left to allocate for the bank settlement after you submit the match. The Pro Rate button is selected by default and is not available.
  4. If you have an exact match, click the Match button in the Match Records dialog box to submit the match. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
    The system submits the settlements to the accounting engine for processing. You no longer see the fully settled bank settlements and open receivable/payables in the Cash Matching workspace..
  5. If you want to fully settle the selected bank settlements and open receivables/payables for a non exact match, select the Write to Breakage check box, and then click the Match button in the Match Records dialog box to submit the match. Otherwise, continue to the next step for a partial settlement.
    The Write to Breakage option allows you to fully settle the open receivables/payables by writing off the difference between the bank settlement and open receivables/payables and tracking that amount in the account determined by the entity's cash breakage election. The system submits the settlements to the accounting engine for processing. You no longer see the fully settled bank settlements and open receivable/payables in the Cash Matching workspace.
  6. If you want to partially settle the selected bank settlements and open receivables/payables for the system calculated pro rated amounts, ensure the Write to Breakage check box is cleared, and then click the Match button in the Match Records dialog box to submit the match. Otherwise, if you want to change the pro rated amounts, continue to the next step.
    The system submits the settlements to the accounting engine for processing. You see the partially settled bank settlements and/or partially settled open receivable/payables in the Cash Matching workspace. The Net Amount Local value identifies the unmatched amount that is available for further matching.
  7. If you want to change the system calculated pro rated amounts for the open receivables/payables, click the Open Local Amt field for an open receivable/payable and enter the amount that you want to settle for that open receivable/payable.
    In the Match Records dialog box, the system recalculates the Units value that you are settling for the selected open receivable/payable, and updates the totals and Remaining Receivable/Payable values. After you change an Open Local Amt value, the Pro Rate button becomes available. You can continue updating the pro rated amounts and/or can click the Pro Rate button to have the system recalculate the pro rated amounts.
  8. Click the Match button in the Match Records dialog box to submit the partial match for the adjusted amounts.
    The system submits the settlements to the accounting engine for processing. You see the partially settled bank settlements and/or partially settled open receivable/payables in the Cash Matching workspace. Their Net Amount Local value identifies the unmatched amount that is available for further matching.


After you match an open receivable/payable to a bank settlement, the open receivable/payable may have a very small amount left over in the Cash Matching workspace's Manual Matching tab. If you do not want to match that amount to a bank settlement, you can use the Settle Remaining option to settle the remaining amount.

To settle the remaining amount for an open receivable/payable:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Select the check box of the open receivable/payable that you want to settle.
  3. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click Settle Remaining.
    The system submits the settlement for the remaining amount to the accounting engine for processing. The settlement does not include a Cash Match Instance value that links it to a bank settlement. You no longer see the open receivable/payable in the Manual Matching tab.


If you match a bank settlement that contains very incorrect information, you may later receive an offset bank settlement along with a new corrected bank settlement. The offset bank settlement represents a cancellation from the bank, custodian, or third party, by using an opposing cash flow. When you manually match the corrected bank settlement with an open receivable/payable, you can identify incorrect bank settlements that offset one another. Marking the bank settlements as offsetting entries indicates that those bank settlements are no longer eligible for automated or manual cash matching. Bank settlements marked as offsets have no impact upon STAR accounting.

For example, you match the original bank settlement of $100 with a Receipt cash flow to an open receivable/payable that is incorrect. Later you receive an offset bank settlement of $100 with a Disbursement cash flow and a corrected bank settlement of $150 with a Receipt cash flow. In this scenario, after you match the original bank settlement, you then unmatched the original bank settlement thereby returning the open receivable/payable to an open status.

You can then mark the original bank settlement and the offset bank settlement for $100 as offsetting entries at the same time you match the corrected bank settlement for $150 with the open receivable/payable.

To manage offset bank settlements:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Click the Matched & Suspended tab.
  3. Search for the matched bank settlement related to the offset bank settlement.
  4. If you previously matched the original incorrect bank settlement, unmatch the original incorrect matched bank settlement. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
    The incorrect matched bank settlement returns to an unmatched status, the settled receivables/payables return to an open status, the settled transactions created as a result of the match are cancelled in STAR accounting, and the ledger entries for the settlement are reversed in the non custody basis.
  5. In Cash Matching workspace, click the Manual Matching tab.
    You see open receivables/payables in the upper pane and bank settlements in the center pane.
  6. Search for the open receivables/payables and bank settlements that you want to match, along with the offset bank settlements.
  7. Select the check box for each open receivable/payable you want to match.
  8. Select the check boxes for the corrected bank settlement you want to match, for the incorrect bank settlement, and for the offsetting incorrect bank settlement.
  9. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click Match.
    You see the Match Records dialog box. In the upper pane, you see the selected open receivables/payables along with the Remaining Receivable/Payable amount. In the lower pane, you see the selected bank settlements along with the Balance amount.
  10. Select the Offsetting Entry check box for the incorrect bank settlement and for the reversing incorrect bank settlement that offsets it.
    Do not identify the corrected bank settlement that you plan to match as an offset entry. When you identify the offsetting entries, the total and Balance amount changes.
  11. If you want to write off the difference to cash breakage, select the Write to Breakage check box.
    If the balance is not zero but you want to fully settle the bank settlement, you can write off the remaining unsettled amount to the account determined by the entity's cash breakage election. Otherwise, if the balance is not zero and you want to partially settle the bank settlement, do not select the Write to Breakage option.
  12. Click the Match button.
    The system submits the settlements associated with the corrected bank settlement to the accounting engine for processing. You no longer see the bank settlements and open receivable/payables that you fully matched in the workspace. You no longer see the bank settlements you marked as offsetting entries in the Manual Matching tab, as they are ineligible for matching.


When you perform cash matching, if no open receivable/payable is available to settle a bank settlement, you can post a cash adjustment to create an open receivable/payable for cash. For example, you can receive a bank settlement related to a corporate action for a security you no longer hold, and have no open receivable/payable available for matching.

To post cash adjustments for bank settlements:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Cash > Cash Matching.
    You see the Cash Matching workspace. The Manual Matching tab is active by default.
  2. Select the Manual Matching tab,.
  3. Search for the bank settlement or open receivable/payable for which you want to create a cash adjustment.
  4. Select the check box of the bank settlement or open receivable/payable.
  5. On the Cash Matching tab, in the Actions group, click Post Cash Adjustments, and then select one of the following options:
    –  Post Miscellaneous Income/Expense, Lot Specific
    –  Post Miscellaneous Expense
    –  Post Miscellaneous Expense, Asset Specific
    –  Post Miscellaneous Income
    –  Post Miscellaneous Income, Asset Specific
    –  Miscellaneous Income Adjustment - Class Specific
    –  Miscellaneous Expense Adjustment - Class Specific
    –  Allocate Miscellaneous Income Across Lots
    You see the panel for the selected miscellaneous income/expense option. The system uses the selected bank settlement or open receivable/payable to fill in as many values as possible on this panel, such as security information and bank account information.
  6. Ensure that the Settle Trade Indicator field has a value of No.
    You do not want the Eagle system to automatically process the cash settlement if you intend to match a bank settlement to the open receivable/payable you are creating.
  7. Complete the remaining options on the miscellaneous income/expense panel.
  8. Click Submit.
    You see a newly created open receivable/payable for the cash adjustment in the Manual Matching tab. You can now


  1. match


To view security master file (SMF) details for unmatched bank cash:


  1. the bank settlement


  1. to


To view position details for an open receivable/payable:


  1. the


  1. open


  1. receivable/payable.
