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In the Create NAIC Designation panel, you can enter the designations for an SVO Company Code and a security. You can change the Selection Type to Client, and the panel looks up the corresponding SVO Company Code which will be used to store within the ISTAR tables the NAIC security designation entered. Additional options are available to Edit, Delete, and List NAIC Designation information.

You can also load this information using batch uploaders and message center streams. The system stores the designation information by source (tag 1102).
You can also use the eagle_default_in_fixed_naic message center stream to load designations.

To add an NAIC Designation for a SVO Company Code and security:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Insurance > NAIC Data > Designations > Create NAIC Designation.
    You see the Create NAIC Designation panel.
  2. In the NAIC Rating Type list, select Security, the default value.
    See the following figure.


  1. Create NAIC Designation panel - SecurityImage Added
  2. Complete the options on the panel.
  3. Click Submit.
    The NAIC designation information for the SVO company code/security is updated in the ISTAR.ISTAR_NAIC table.

Create NAIC Designation Panel Options (by Security)

The following table describes the key options on the Create NAIC Designation panel.




Add by SVO Company Code and Issue



Selection Type

Defaults to SVO Company Code. Option to select Client.


SVO Company Code

Enter SVO Company Code here. The system stores the SVO company code and designation in the database as entered.


LOOKUP fields

Allows you to enter the information required to uniquely locate the SVO Company record for update. Options include:

  • Client ID. Remains hidden unless you change the Selection Type to Client.
  • Client Name. Remains hidden unless you change the Selection Type to Client.
  • Issue Name.
  • Ticker.
  • Xref Security ID.

The processing security type (PST) of the asset controls the unhiding of the NAIC Designation Prefix and the NAIC Designation Suffix fields, for data entry.


NAIC Rating Type


Specifies the type of NAIC designation

. Set to Security


Options include:

  • Security
  • Broker
  • Issuer
  • Sovereign Country

Set to Security.

Source Name


Specifies the source (tag 1102) assigned to the NAIC information. Default value is EAGLE PACE. NAIC is the alternate, valid source for designations.

Note: If two or more records are in effect for the same date, the information with Source Name that is equal to NAIC is preferred for use.


Effective Date

The Effective Date restricts the use of the NAIC designation, based on the type of trade and trade date:

  • Opens (buys, and so forth). Use the designation as of the month end date for the month in which the transaction took place. If no designation is available for this date, then use the most recent designation for a date earlier than the transaction date (but not earlier than the previous calendar year end).
  • Closes (sells, and so forth). Use the most recent designation for a date earlier than the trade date (but not earlier than the previous calendar year end).

Note: If the transaction trade date is December 31st, the date logic looks backwards within the same calendar year (and does not consider the prior calendar year).


NAIC Review Date

Used for Informational Purposes only.


Client Lookup Identification



Identification fields


Displays several identification fields when you set the Selection Type to Client which otherwise remain hidden. When you set Selection Type to Client, enter one or more of the LOOKUP fields above, and the database retrieval was successful, the fields in this section auto-populate to allow you to verify that the panel is updating the correct SVO company code/client. Displayed fields include:

  • Client ID
  • Client Name
  • Client Type
  • SVO Company Code

Add NAIC Designation Data



NAIC Designation Prefix


Specifies the NAIC designation prefix. The field appears only when the security type is Preferred Stock (EQCSPF) or Preferred PIK (EQCSPK). Options include:

  • Clear
  • P
  • RP


NAIC Designation


Specifies the NAIC designation. Options include: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.


NAIC Designation Suffix

The NAIC designation suffix. Options include: Clear, ; A, *A, AF, AM, AZ, AZ, F, FE, FM, J, J, JF, JZ, JZ, K, K, KF, KZ, KZ, L, L, LF, LFE, LZ, LZ, S, S, SA,*SA, SJ, *SJ, SK, *SK, SL, *SL, SU,*SU, SV, *SV, U, *U, UF, UFE, UZ, UZ, V, V, VF, VFE, VZ, VZ

The following section lists the valid combinations of NAIC prefix, designation, and suffix values for the affected Schedules.

Schedule D1 and DA1:

  • NAIC Prefix. Not applicable
  • NAIC Designation. 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • NAIC Suffix. Clear, , AM, F, FE, FM, S, *S, Z, Z

Schedule D21:

  • NAIC Prefix. Clear, P, RP
  • NAIC Designation. 1,2,3,4,5,
  • NAIC Suffix. Clear, ; A, *A, AF, AZ, AZ, J, J, JF, JZ, JZ, K, K, KF, KZ, KZ, L, L, LF, LFE, LZ, LZ, SA,SA, SJ, *SJ, SK, *SK, SL, *SL, SU,*SU, SV, *SV, U, *U, UF, UFE, UZ, UZ, V, V, VF, VFE, VZ, VZ

Schedule D22: 

  • NAIC Prefix. Not applicable
  • NAIC Designation. Not applicable
  • NAIC Suffix. Clear, A, J, K, L, U, V

Designation Indicator

Used for Informational Purposes Only. Options include:

  • strong
  • (+)
  • average (=)
  • weak
  • (-)

Lookup Results



Security Alias


Displays the security alias (database key) for the security, after a successful lookup



  1. Click Submit.

