The following are the MTCLOSE event types.
Option | Description |
ASSIGN | Closes written call and put options and assigns them for cash. |
BUYCVR | Closes a short position. Can be used to close equities, options, caps, floors, rights, warrants, and all debt. |
BUYFUT | Closes a short position. This event is used to close futures with variation margin. |
CALLASNST | Closes a short call option position at cost and closes the underlying long if the settlement method is PHYSICAL or opens the underlying short if the settlement method is PHYSHORT. |
CALLEXRST | Closes a long call option position at cost and opens the underlying long if the settlement method is PHYSICAL or closes the underlying short if the settlement method is PHYSHORT. |
CLOSEFUTURE | Closes a long or short position and creates a cash record only if there are fees and the fees are expensed. This event is used to close futures without variation margin. |
CLOSESWAP | Closes interest rate, total rate or return, currency, and inflation linked swap contracts. Also closes lock securities. The contract is always closed long, the legs are closed long and short. |
CURRENCY_EXER_ASN | Used to physically exercise or assign a currency option only. It closes a long currency option and opens a spot contract for the currencies involved by creating a cash disbursement for the currency sold and a cash receipt for the currency purchased. |
DEL | Used to close lots/positions down at cost. |
EXERCISE | Closes long call and put options and exercises them for cash. |
FUNDSPLTMRG | Transfers either a full position, partial position, or lot from one entity to another. |
LPCLOSE | Closes a long limited partnership position. |
PUTASNST | Closes a short put option position at cost and opens the underlying long if the settlement method is PHYSICAL or closes the underlying short if the settlement method is PHYSHORT. |
PUTEXRST | Closes a long put option position at cost and closes the underlying long if the settlement method is PHYSICAL or opens the underlying short if the settlement method is PHYSHORT. |
ROLLOVER | Rolls over lots created with a DEPOSIT event into a new security with new terms. |
SELL | Closes a long position. Can be used to close equities, options, caps, floors, rights, warrants, and all debt. |
SELLFUT | Closes a long position. This event is used to close futures with variation margin. |
SELLVARMAR | Closes a long position. This event is used to close options on futures with variation margin. |
TBACLOSE | Used to close TBA lots/positions as a result of an allocation, pair-off, turn-around, and so on. A cash record is created if the entity election, Create TBA Cashflow flag, is Y. If it is N, a cash record is created for the net cash movement at the time of the close. |
The following are the MTLLINK event types.
Option | Description |
JNLCVR | Nets a long and short position to one net long or short position. The MTLINK event creates an MTCLOSE JNLCVR LONG loopback which then spawns an MTCLOSE JNLCVR SHORT event. |
SPOT | Used to create a currency contract which usually settles in just a few days from trade date. No cost is recorded. The MTLINK event generates two MTCASH SPOT events, one being a disbursement for the currency sold and the other a receipt for the currency purchased. |
TRADEFWD | Used to create a currency contract which usually settles on some future date. No cash record is created at the time of the trade but rather when either the contract is closed or when it matures. The MTLINK event generates either an MTCLOSE TRADEFWD LONG or MTOPEN TRADEFWD SHORT event for the non-settle leg first depending on the close eligible flag (tag 3924) and whether or not the currency being sold is the non-settle leg. If tag 3924 is N and the currency being sold is the non-settle leg, an MTOPEN TRADEFWD SHORT event is created. The non-settle event then generates the settle leg loopback event. |