From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Book Trade in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Book Trade (Accounting Center) link to access the Book Trade tool.
You see the Query window as the default. - Complete the options in the Query window and click Start Search to find a security.
- Select the row with the security you want to trade, click Open or Close on the toolbar and select the appropriate trade option.
You see the trade panel. - In the Holding Term field, specify the holding term for the trade.
- The holding term specifies the holding term for the trade based on the number of days between the original acquisition date (tag 216) and the maturity date (tag 35) on the lot. If you use ledger reporting based on ledger granularity rules to break out accounts by holding term, the system uses this value to identify the holding term for trades related to bonds and preferred stocks. Eagle Accounting's core transaction processing calculates the holding term for you, but you can manually override the value displayed in this field. Eagle Insurance clients that use ledger granularity rules have the system calculate the holding term based on the schedule associated with a lot.
Options include:
– Short Term. Identifies a short term holding. If the Holding Term Method field (tag 11479) in the trade's accounting basis has a value of 90 days, a short term holding term is 91 days to a year. If the Holding Term Method field has a value of 3 months, a short term holding term is 3 full months to a year.
– Cash Equivalent. Identifies a cash equivalent holding. If the Holding Term Method field (tag 11479) in the trade's accounting basis has a value of 90 days, a cash equivalent holding term is 90 days or less. If the Holding Term Method field has a value of 3 months, a cash equivalent holding term is 3 full months or less. - Complete the remaining fields in the panel.
- Click Submit.
Change the Holding Term for a Lot
In the Non Financial Trade Data Modification panel, you can manually update a lot. If you use ledger granularity to break out accounts by holding term, you can use this panel to change a lot's holding term to a value of short term or cash equivalent. The holding term applies to bonds and preferred stock.
Using the Non Financial Trade Data Modification panel to change the holding term does not affect existing ledger activity related to the lot. The system processes future earnings/disposals based on the new holding term value. As with other changes made on the Non Financial Trade Data Modification panel, you can cancel and rebook the trade if you need ledger activity to reflect the new holding term.
To change the holding term for a lot:
- From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
- Enter Non Financial Trade Data Modification in the Start Search text box.
- Click the Non Financial Trade Data Modification (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.
You see the Non Financial Trade Data Modification panel. - Select the entity and accounting basis for the lot you want to modify, and enter a date range for the lot.
- In the Security Query Flag field, select a value of Open or Close.
- In the Select Lot to be Modified field, select the lot you want to modify.
After you choose a lot, the Holding Term field displays the short term or cash equivalent value assigned as the holding term when the system processed the transaction. - Change the Holding Term field value.
Options include:
– Short Term. Identifies a short term holding.
– Cash Equivalent. Identifies a cash equivalent holding. - Complete the remaining fields in the panel.
- Click Submit.