The following are the options in the Add Flagged Position Rules panel.
Anchor |
| _Toc422492231 |
| _Toc422492231 |
Entity InformationThe following are the options for entity information:
- Entity ID (tag 1163). Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. If you specify an entity, ensure the entity's Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field (tag 3679) is set to Yes so the entity is eligible for pended transaction activity.
- Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity.
Anchor |
| _Toc422492232 |
| _Toc422492232 |
Security InformationThe following are the options for security information:
- Issue Name (tag 961). Specifies the name of the security.
- Ticker (tag 13). Specifies the system of letters used to uniquely identify a security.
- Xref Type (tag 1234). Specifies the cross reference security type, such as SEDOL, CUSIP, and so on.
- Xref ID (tag 1233). Specifies the cross reference security identifier.
- Processing Security Type (tag 3931). Displays the processing security type.
- Security Type (tag 82). Displays the type of security.
- Position Quantity (tag 122). Displays the current quantity of the position.
- Long/Short Indicator (tag 15). Displays an L (long) or S (short) to indicate whether the position is long or short.
Anchor |
| _Toc422492233 |
| _Toc422492233 |
Rule OptionsThe following are the options for rules: