Versions Compared


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The following table list examples of data sources used with position reconciliation.

Position Data Location

Source Code


Custodian files


For warehouse to warehouse matching



For ESTAR to warehouse matching

Custodian files (Local only)


For local to local positions matching using work tables

Eagle Accounting (Local only)


For local to STAR matching


  1. From the Position Recon console, click AssignmentRules.
    You see the Assignment Rules pane with the current list of assignment rules and the Assignment Rule Detail pane with the list of details for any selected rule.
  2. Right click NewRule.
    You see the Add New Rule dialog box.
  3. In the Rule Name text box, enter the name of the new rule.
  4. Click the Module drop down and select the type of reconciliation.
    Options include:
    –  Positions (Default)
    –  Lot
    –  Ledger
  5. Specify whether you want the rule inactive or available for use.
    Options include:
    –  Is Active (Default). The rule is available for use.
  6. Click OK to save the rule.
    You see the Assignment Rules window with the refreshed list of rules.
  7. Select the rule from the list and in the Assignment Rule Details pane right click AddRuleDetails.
    You see the Add Rule Details dialog box.
  8. Specify whether you want the rule applied conditionally or applied to all records.
    Options include:
    –  Always (Default). Indicates that you want all records processed for assignment.
    –  Conditional. Indicates that you want to filter the records processed for assignment. When you select this option, you must click the Data Field drop down and select the database and column values used to qualify the selection of exceptions, including database filter logic using Boolean operators. You can select from the HOLDING, SECURITY, and RULES database tables.
  9. Specify whether you want the rule to directly assign exceptions or evaluate exceptions for explained and unexplained differences before assignment.
    Options include:
    –  SingleAssignment (Default). Indicates that you want all breaks on a specific field assigned a specific break category, break sub category, and user/user group for handling. You can specify an expiration date for single assignments.
    –  DependencyRule. Indicates that you want to break on a specific field after the evaluation of breaks on underlying fields. When you evaluate the underlying fields, the rule assigns each field a break category and subcategory, including a calculation field with the unexplained amount, if any, after considering the overall set of field differences.
  10. For a single assignment election, click the MasterField drop down, select the field to inspect for breaks, and then assign a break category, break sub category, and user/user group for handling.
  11. For the dependency rule election, click the plussign to add a record to specify an underlying field for evaluation, commenting, and assignment. On each record, you must click the FieldName drop down and select an underlying field to evaluate and then specify the break category, break sub category, user/user group assigned for handling, and a free form comment. You can specify an expiration date for each field supporting the dependency rule.
  12. Repeat Step 11 for additional underlying fields, as required to complete the dependency rule details.
    NOTE: The UNKNOWN record exists as a permanent underlying field and displays the net unexplained difference, if any, that you can assign for research and resolution.
  13. When complete, click OK.

For example, you can use an assignment rule to evaluate the reconciliation of Book Values by comparing the sum of Amortization LTD, Original Issue Discount (OID) LTD, and Current Disallowance out of balances to the Book Value out of balance on conversion day. Due to the settings on the entity accounting bases, you can expect differences explained by one or more of these fields. The assignment rule is set up to label the Amortization  LTD out of balance as "Amortization"', the OID LTD difference as "OID Amortization", and the Current Disallowance out of balance as "Wash Sales", with the residual out of balance amount, if any, labeled as "Unknown" and assigned to a user/user group for research and manual reconciliation.

Define Entity Bank Relationships (Local only)


The MSGSERVICE.INI configuration file sets key variables used by the Position Recon console and associated message streams. The configuration file is located in the Eagle STAR Config Files/Configuration Files/msgcenter webserver folder and the Position Recon parameters are located in the [POSRECON] section of the file.

*To view/edit the MSGSERVICE.INI configuration file:*

  1. From the Accounting Center window, click Reconciliation.
  2. Click Admin and Administration.
  3. Double click Engine Manager.
    You see the Engine Manager application window.
  4. In the left pane, navigate to the folder path and filename with the MSGSERVICE.INI configuration file.
  5. Open the file for editing.
  6. Complete the options in the [POSRECON] section of the configuration file.
  7. Click Save.
    You must exit and then re-open the Position Recon console to acquire the new configuration options.
