Versions Compared


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  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click Add Query.
    You see the Query Settings dialog box. Required fields are displayed in bold.

  6. Complete the options on the Query Settings dialog box.

The following table describes the options on this dialog box. The options you see vary since they depend on the value you select for Type.








Determines whether a report is displayed on the Eagle Portal's Queries menu. For example, if you discover a report contains incorrect data such as pricing, you may want to remove access so your users do not unknowingly run a report while you investigate. Once you correct the pricing error, you can grant access again and the report is displayed on the Queries menu.


Business Calendar


Displays the Define Query Business Calendar dialog box, which allows you to specify the dates on which a user can perform a query


Composite Enumeration


Allows you to enumerate at the composite or constituent level. This option is only available for access position, access cash activity, and access trade report types.


Detail Field Snapshot


When configuring a query using a Data Mart grouped model, you can specify using different Data Mart Instances for the grouped model and its Detail fields.


Detail Fields


This option is displayed if the query is built using a Data Mart model. Contains detail field information for the query.


Data Mart Instance


This option is displayed if the query is built using a Data Mart model. By default, Default is the Data Mart Instance selected. You can specify using a different Data Mart Instance for the query if the Data Mart Instance is configured in the Manage Data Marts window.


Data Mart Snapshot


This option is displayed if the query is built using a Data Mart model. By default, Default is the Data Mart Snapshot selected. You can specify using a different Data Mart Snapshot for the query if the snapshot is configured in the Manage Marts Snapshots window.


Date Rules


Allows you to define date rules.


Detail Fields


This option is displayed if you selected a grouped Data Mart model. Defining these fields enable your users to drill down from grouped model to the details in Data Mart's detailed models.


Entity Filter


Allows you to define a filter that filters query data for specific entities.




Allows you to define a filter that filters data returned from a query.


Header Fields


This is available if the query is built using ACCESS DATAMART or ACCESS SQL QUERY with the optional Header Type feature. When used with ACCESS DATAMART, these fields are from the Data Mart Fund Summary model. When used with ACCESS SQL QUERY, these fields are from the Data Mart security details model.


Header Types


This option is displayed if the query is built using ACCESS SQL QUERY type. This is an optional feature you can use for displaying fields in Data Mart Security Details model on top of query report.


Maximum Rows


Allows you to specify the maximum number of rows returned in a query report. This field is optional. The value in this field overrides any default value that you configure for the Eagle Portal.


Menu Category


Specifies the menu on which the query report is displayed.




This is the name of your query report. Clicking Add Report displays the Add New Portal Report Name dialog box. Enter a short description, which becomes the code value for the query, and a long description, which becomes the name of the query on the Eagle Portal menus.


Report Fields


This option is displayed if you are building a query using a Data Mart model.




Allows you to select a field rule or report profile.


Rule for Default Date


Allows you to specify a rule for the default date.




Displays the Define Report Sources dialog box, which allows you to specify the data sources on which to perform the query.




Allows you to select a supported report type on which a query can be built. Query settings are dynamic. The fields that you see are determined by your Type selection.




Allows you to configure non-server based query types for cross tab functionality in the Eagle Portal. Grid is selected by default but you can select Cross Tab from the drop down menu if you want to configure the query for cross tab functionality.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Click Finish.
    You have added a query report.
    By default, the query report you are creating is assigned to you. You must assign it to others who should have access to it on the Assign Queries dialog box. Best practice for assigning query reports is to assign them at business group levels if your users require different query reports.



If your organization has implemented Data Mart, you can build portal queries using Data Mart's summary model, grouped models, or detailed models. To do this, select the ACCESS DATAMART FUND REPORT type when configuring the query in the Portal Query Explorer.


You can set System Item #152 in the System Parameters to:

  • 1. Default value. Set to 1 to enable the Current functionality. The maximum effective date for each portfolio is fetched.

  • 0. Set to 0 to enable the functionality that existed pre-V11.0. The maximum effective date across portfolios is fetched.


If you do not set up ACCESS DATAMART queries, the Eagle Portal will not display any Data Mart related data in the Portfolios window. You will also see a message stating that the ACCESS DATAMART query type must be set up first.




  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click Add Query.
    You see the Query Settings dialog box.

    The ACCESS DATA MART FUND REPORT type is based on the Data Mart Fund Summary model. The available fields are determined by the fields in the model.

  7. Select the Data Mart instance you want to use. For this query type, Data Mart Fund Summary model is used.

  8. Define a filter for this query, if needed. The access for query is enabled by default.

  9. In Report Fields, click the ellipsis to select the fields from the Data Mart Fund Summary model that you want to use for this report.
    You see the Report Field Selection dialog box.

  10. Click Add and select any fields. Use the + and - buttons to arrange the order of fields.

  11. Click OK.
    You see the Query Settings dialog box.

  12. Click Next.
    You see Assign Queries dialog box. This query type is assigned to everyone by default. If this query type cannot be used by everyone, you can create another one.

  13. Click Finish.

  14. Go to the User Settings Explorer window. By default, Default User is selected as Current user.
    If this query can be used by everyone in your organization, then set My Portfolios Query to use this ACCESS DATAMART FUND REPORT type you have just configured.

  15. If the same query cannot be used by everyone in your organization, and you have configured multiple queries for this query type, click the Current User link.
    You see the Select User/Group dialog box. The best practice is to configure this at business group level, so each business group has its own ACCESS DATAMART FUND REPORT type query.

  16. Select Portal Login.

  17. In My Portfolios Query, from the drop down menu, select the query report you just added using ACCESS DATAMART FUND REPORT type.
    If the Eagle Portal users cannot use the same query report, click the Current User link and select the user/business group. Then, select the query to use from the drop down menu.

  18. Click Save.



The ACCESS DATAMART FUND VIEWS query type displays summary level data in a Data Mart Fund Summary model. You can use the following view types for viewing Data Mart summary level data:

  • Vertical View. Displays multiple columns of data for one or more entities.

  • Multi-line View. Displays multiple columns of data for one entity. However, instead of displaying all of the columns as one row, each row is designated a position on a certain row.

  • Time Series View. Displays rows of data for one entity. Each row represents a different effective date. If you set View Type to Time Series View, you can add/remove multiple Report Fields in the Datamart Field Selection dialog box.

Best practice is to use this query type for creating dashboard parts, and then including the dashboard parts into a dashboard view for the Eagle Portal users.


  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click the Add Query link.

  6. Complete the fields on the Query Settings dialog box and click Next.

The following table describes the possible options on the Query Settings dialog box. The options vary since they depend on the value you select for View Type.




Displays the name of the query report.


Select the ACCESS DATAMART FUND VIEWS report type.

View Type

Specifies the type of view. Options include:

Multiline View

Time Series View

Vertical View

Time Series Calendar

Indicates the time series associated with the business calendar on which Portal users want to run the query. This option is available when the View Type field is set to Time Series View.

Data Mart Instance

Select the Data Mart instance to use in the query.

Calendar Frequency

Indicates the calendar frequency at which to run the query, including Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly calendar frequency. This option is available when the View Type field is set to Time Series View.


Displays Fund Summary since the Data Mart Fund Summary rule is used with the Access Data Mart Fund Views report type.

Menu Category

Specifies the menu on which the query report is displayed.

Business Calendar

Displays the Define Query Business Calendar dialog box, which allows you to specify the dates on which a user can perform a query.


Determines whether a report is displayed on Eagle Portal's Queries menu. For example, if you discover a report contains incorrect data such as pricing, you may want to remove access so your users do not unknowingly run a report while you investigate. Once you correct the pricing error, you can grant access again and the report is displayed on the Queries menu.

Report Fields

Defines the appropriate fields for their report query. You can specify multiple report fields in the Report Field Selection dialog box. This option is available when the View Type field is set to Time Series View.

Entity Filter

Allows you to define a filter that filters query data for specific entities.

Date Rules

Allows you to define date rules and make them available on the Default Settings windows in the Eagle Portal. You can select multiple date rules for the same field.

Rule for Default Date

Allows you to specify a rule for the default date.

Data Mart Snapshot

Default snapshot is selected by default.

Data Mart users have the ability to select different source rules for viewing a set of Data Mart data. This allows them to view the same set of data from different perspectives. This functionality is known as a snapshot.

If you want the query to use a snapshot other than the Default, click the Snapshot drop down list and select a specific snapshot.

The values in this drop down list are derived from the snapshots that are configured in Manage Marts Snapshots window.


The following table describes the options on the Query Settings dialog box that are specific to the ACCESS DATAMART query type.




Specify the name of your query report.



Data Mart Instance

Select the Data Mart instance to use in this query.


Select the appropriate Data Mart model defined in Eagle Data Mart.

Menu Category

Specifies the menu on which the query report is displayed.

Business Calendar

Displays the Define Query Business Calendar dialog box, which allows you to specify the dates on which a user can perform a query.


Determines whether a report is displayed in the Eagle Portal's Queries menu. For example, if you discover a report contains incorrect data such as pricing, you may want to remove access so your users do not unknowingly run a report while you investigate. Once you correct the pricing error, you can grant access again and the report is displayed on the Queries menu.

Entity Filter

Allows you to define a filter that filters query data for specific entities.

Report Fields

Displays the Report Field Selection dialog box, which allows you to specify multiple date rules for a field via the As Of column.

Header Fields

Displays the Header Field Selection dialog box, which allows you to specify multiple date rules for a field via the As Of column.

Detail Fields

Allows you to display field detail based on detail type, such as Cash Flow Details, Ledger Details, Lot Level Details, Performance Details, Position Details, or Transaction Details.

Detail Fields Snapshot

When you configure a query using a Data Mart grouped model, you can now specify using different Data Mart Instances for the grouped model and its detail fields.

Date Rules

Allows you to select date rules so that they are available to run as part of the query.

Rule for default date

Allows you to specify a rule for the default date.


Displays Default.

Data Mart users can select different source rules for viewing a set of Data Mart data. This allows them to view the same set of data from different perspectives. This functionality is known as a snapshot.

If you want the query to use a snapshot other than the Default, click the Snapshot drop down list and select a specific snapshot.

The values in this drop down list are derived from the snapshots defined in Eagle Data Mart.


Allows you to configure non-server based query types for cross tab functionality in the Eagle Portal. Grid is selected by default but you can select Cross Tab from the drop down menu if you want to configure the query for cross tab functionality.

Fund Approval Status

Select the status of the Data Mart data to display in the Eagle Portal. You can select Preliminary, Final, or All.


The following table describes options on the Query Settings dialog box that are specific to the ACCESS SQL QUERY type.




Specify the name of your query report.


Select the ACCESS SQL QUERY type.

To use a parameter for input to the query that presents the user with a list of distinct values of a particular database table column, where a code value might otherwise have been used. This is useful when the database column includes a limited set of different values that may increase in number over time, which would require the manual addition of new entries to a code value.

For example, the list of different investment types may be short, but can grow over time. You enable this feature in setup of the Option or Parameter to be used for the query. In a new dropdown for Option Type you choose Column Value, then select the database schema (most likely a Data Mart schema but not limited to the mart), table and column whose unique values should be the input choices for the option or parameter.


Specifies in which module, Eagle Portal or Reference Data Center, the stored procedures are available. Procedures with the designation of Portal are available and visible to the Eagle Portal Administrator.

Menu Category

Specifies the menu on which the query report is displayed


Enter the name of the stored procedure already created for this query. Make sure the name you enter here matches the name of the stored procedure exactly.

You must create the stored procedure in the database before configuring the query in the Portal Query Explorer.


Determines whether a report is displayed in the Eagle Portal's Queries menu. For example, if you discover a report contains incorrect data such as pricing, you may want to remove access so your users do not unknowingly run a report while you investigate. Once you correct the pricing error, you can grant access again and the report is displayed on the Queries menu.

Maximum Rows

Allows you to specify the maximum number of rows returned in a query report. This field is optional.

The value in this field overrides any default value that you configure for the Eagle Portal.

Data Mart Instance

Select the Data Mart from which the fields are pulled from the Security Details model. By default, Default Mart is the selected Data Mart instance.

Header Type

This is an optional feature you can use to display security detail information from Data Mart Security Details model. Select Security from the drop-down to display security field information.

Header Field

This is an optional feature. Header fields are not defined by default. However, if you want to display security detail information from Data Mart Security Details model on top of a report, then you must define a Header Field. By default, Investment Type is set to default.

If you define fields for Investment Type with default, this means that the same security detail fields will be displayed on top of report for all your securities regardless of security type. If you want to display different security details for different security types, such as fixed income, equity, or derivatives, since they have different characteristics, then you must define security detail fields for each Investment Type.


Grid is selected by default. Select Cross Tab if you want to use the cross tab functionality in Portal.


Complete the fields in the Column Configuration dialog box.




The description you enter is the description that the user sees in Portal.


Enter a unique XML tag. The value you enter must be unique.


The type Character is displayed by default. Select the appropriate type from the drop down list.


Complete the fields on the Query Settings dialog box.




Specify the name of your query report.




Specifies in which module, Eagle Portal or Reference Data Center, the stored procedures are available. Procedures with the designation of Portal are available and visible to the Eagle Portal Administrator.


Specifies the report to use that was created in MicroStrategy.

Menu Category

Specifies the menu on which the query report is displayed. These query types are never used when creating dashboard parts.


Determines whether a report is displayed in the Eagle Portal's Queries menu. For example, if you discover a report contains incorrect data, you may want to remove access so your users do not unknowingly run a report while you investigate. Once you correct the error, you can grant access again and the report is displayed on the Queries menu.

Entity Filter

Allows the user to define an entity filter prior to running the query.

Date Rule

Specifies a date rule used to define the end date and begin date for a report in the Eagle Portal MicroStrategy queries.

Composite Enumeration

Determines how the report handles composite level positions. Options include:

Do Not Enumerate. Builds positions for the composite entity via an Entity Build, and the report takes these composite level positions.

Enumerate to Constituent. Runs the report for all the constituent funds of the composite after composite enumeration.


The following table defines each option on the Define Report Sources dialog box.



Current Source Definition

Displays the current source definition. Sources are displayed in Available Sources. Use the right and left arrows to add and remove sources.

Source Priority

Allows you to add and delete a source priority. You can add a source priority by clicking Add and selecting the priority. You can delete a priority by selecting the priority and clicking Delete. If you delete a priority, all sources associated with that priority are deleted. If you delete a higher priority, the next lower priority assumes the deleted priority’s level.

Entity Source

Allows you to query an entity or a combination of data sources and entities by clicking Add. If you query an entity, all entities are queried after the data sources. Also, if you choose to query more than one entity, each entity you add is appended to the end of the source definition. To delete entities from Current Source Definition, select the entity and click Delete in Entity Source.

Available Sources

Allows you to select one or more data sources using the right arrow.
