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If you plan to manage pending transactions prior to processing transactions in the STAR accounting engine, review the pending trade workflow and consider how you plan to use it to manage transactions from upstream systems. You can identify transactions as pending in your upstream systems. You can also have the Eagle system identify transactions as pending transactions if they meet the criteria defined in pending trade rules. 

If you plan to use pending trade rules, you must set up those rules and the entities that use them. You can set up some or all of the following types of information: 

  • Entities
  • Pending trade rule details
  • Transactions
  • Boot.ini file

    use pending trade rules to set up criteria for how the system manages open, close, and cancel transactions. If you do not plan to use pending trade rules but still plan to manage pending transaction activity, you must ensure that incoming transactions include the proper information.

    You can also perform setup tasks to improve system performance when you manage pending transactions. 

    titleContent on this page:

    Table of Contents
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    WRITERS NOTE: This entity info duplicates what was in the About topic. remove it there? also update entity info in Entity/MF/BASIS.

    Set Up Entities

    Set Up Entities

    The Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field at the entity level allows the system to apply pending trade rules to an entity to classify the transaction as pending. If you plan to set up pending trade rules that enable the Eagle system to identify certain transactions as pending transactions, you must identify the entities for which you plan to create utilize pending trade rules as eligible for pending trade activity before you can process pending transactions for those entities. For each entity eligible for pending transaction activity for which you plan to use pending trade rules to determine whether to pend a trade, set the entity's Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field (tag 3679) to Yes. This field is available in the Create/Edit Entity panel, the Create Master Fund panel, and the Edit Master Fund/Sector panel. 

    When the system receives a transaction from an upstream system for an entity that is eligible for pending transaction activity, and the transaction meets the pending trade rule criteria, the system identifies the transaction as a pending transaction. Otherwise, when the system receives a transaction from an upstream system for an entity that is not eligible for pending transaction activity, and the transaction meets the pending trade rule criteria, the system does not identify the transaction as a pending transaction.


    The Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field

    at the entity level allows the system to apply pending trade rules to an entity to classify the transaction as pending. However, it

    indicates if any entity is eligible for use with pending trade rules, but does not indicate whether


    an entity is eligible for use

    with transactions already classified as

    pending transactions.


    Any entity is eligible for use with pending trade activity so long as you identify transactions as pending in an upstream system, and do not require the system to

    apply a

    use pending trade


    rules to pend the transaction

    , the system can track 

    You do not need to set the Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field to Yes in order to process pending transactions for an entity in cases where the . Whenever the system receives a transaction from an upstream system for an entity, and that transaction is already identified as eligible for pending transaction processing. The the Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field enables the use of pending trade rules for an entity. When if the incoming transaction's Pending Trade Flag field (tag 3695) has a value of Y, the system does not need to apply pending trade rules to the transaction. The system does not consider the Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field value in this case.

    Set Up Pending Trade Rules 

    Pending trade rules, previously called flagged position rules, specify the criteria that the system uses to assign a pending status to transactions that require evaluation prior to processing. If you track pending transactions, you can also use pending trade rules to determine how the system manages cancel transactions related to pending trade activity. For detailed information about setting up pending trade rules, see Manage Pending Trade Rules

    Set Up Transactions

    When the system receives a transaction from an upstream system for an entity, if the transaction is already identified as eligible for pending transaction processing because the incoming transaction's Pending Trade Flag field (tag 3695) has a value of Y, the system does not need to apply pending trade rules and . The system does not consider the Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field value. The system routes the transaction to the PENDING_TRADES table in the TRADES database Pending Trades table for further evaluation. If the incoming transaction's Pending Trade Status field (tag 3720) has a value equal to a custom status code value, the system applies the custom status. Otherwise, if no status is provided on the incoming transaction, the system sets the status to Pending.

    Set Up Pending Trade Rules

    Pending trade rules, previously called flagged position rules, specify the criteria that the system uses to assign a pending status to transactions that require evaluation prior to processing. For detailed information about setting up pending trade rules, see Manage Pending Trade Rules

    Set Up Threshold Logic in BOOT.INI

    It also assigns the appropriate status to the transaction. 

    When the system receives a transaction from an upstream system for an entity where the Pending Trade Eligible Indicator field is set to Yes, if the incoming transaction meets the criteria for a pending trade rule details and passes the Message Center panel edits that validate the transaction date, the system assigns the transaction's Pending Trade Flag field (tag 3695) to Y. For transactions with a Pending Trade Flag field (tag 3695) to Y, the system routes the transaction to the Pending Trades table for further evaluation. It also assigns the appropriate status to the transaction. 

    Set Up Engine Thresholds in boot.ini

    You can configure configurable threshold limits in the STAR engine's boot.ini file to reject transactions that may affect a very large position with many lots. This can prevent processing transactions that can have significant impact on system performance. The STAR engine checks certain threshold limits as a pre-processing step. If the limits are exceeded, then the engine does not process the transactions, but routes them to the Workflow Manager for subsequent exception handling.

    You can configure the limits based on the amount of records in either the Cost or Cash positions to be acted on by a transaction. You can also configure the limits based on the number of records rolled back by a transaction or the number of loopbacks produced as a result of processing a transaction. If a limit is exceeded, the transaction fails and the system can

    Once you set up the thresholds, before processing a transaction against a position, the system uses these thresholds to determine if there would be a significant impact to processing. If any of these thresholds are exceed, the system rejects the transaction and sends the failed transaction to the Workflow Manager for subsequent exception processing. The system can then process the transaction in a dedicated engine so that it does not impact normal processing.In addition, the database stored procedure and Batch Release Pending Trades panel allow a delay in a batch release. An interval based in seconds can be submitted to the procedure that the system compares to the most recent transaction's time stamp in the Pending Trades table to determine if that most recent transaction was inserted within the time interval. If it was, the procedure waits to the next execution to release the batch. For example, if the interval is ten seconds and the most recent transaction was inserted five seconds prior, then nothing is done. The reason for this is that if many transactions are being loaded into the Pending Trades table, it is best to gather the set and order them to be more optimal when processing in STAR.

    The processing thresholds, which are disabled by default, include the following:

    • RollbackThreshold. Maximum allowed number of rows to be rolled back. The default value is 25000.
    • CostPositionMaxRowThreshold. Maximum allowed number or rows in a Cost position. The default value is 25000.
    • CashPositionMaxRowThreshold. Maximum allowed number or rows in a cash position. The default value is 25000.
    • LoopbackMaxCountThreshold. Maximum allowed number of loopbacks produced. The default value is 10000.

    You can enable the first three thresholds by adding the following parameter to the engine's book.ini file.

    ProcessingThresholdsEnabled = 1

    You can enable the LoopbackMaxCountThreshold  by adding the following parameter to the engine's book.ini file.

    LoopbackMaxCountThresholdEnabled = 1