Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Starting with the April 2021 release MC2 supports connecting to REDIS using TLS.
This is not enabled by default and requires manual configuration.
See: MC2+Redis+TLS+Configuration


SDP-40013 Add logic to register logical and unique key for each data set


MC2 now executes EDS requests via Kafka messaging. If request is sent via RTR the following line will appear in Message Status Detail:
Sending the python rule execution request for processing on Kafka endpoint with IP x.x.x.x.
For details see: https: //


Enabled EDS runtime to evaluate daterules, e.g. inside an interface definition:

"t_start_items_def": [

[ "daterule", "start_daterule", "'Yesterday'", "", "1" ],

[ "gvariable", "evaluated_daterule", ":start_daterule_RESULT:"],

[ "gvariable", "daterule_errormsg", ":start_daterule_ERROR_MSG:"] ]


SDP-47722 Change MC2 Pyruleservice starter to pass TLS related parameters to pyruleservice

Updated pyruleservice starter to pass parameters necessary to support secure REDIS



For instructions for manually enabling secure REDIS connections see: MC2+Redis+TLS+Configuration


SDP-47754 When disabling the MC2JMS stream the consumers are not removed from the queue.


Added python packages openpyxl and pdfminer to pypy in order to be able to parse PDF's and Excel formats into an EDS output.




Create Generic CA EDS Feed

Created issuefxrate EDS Resource

The Ontology for issuefxrate resource was created. Files added:



Extract method is supported for issueprice resource.
Available filters : todate fromdate effectivedate fromeffectivedate toeffectivedate processingsecuritytype securitytype investmenttype releasestatus primaryassetid xrefid ticker securitysubtype securityalias sourcename heldonlyfilter
Mashups used: interfaces genericsmf


Updated MC2 install to preserve TLS related parameters if present in the REDIS configuration:

